feferna / dual_cameras_with_oculus_cv1

Using two cameras to generate 3D images for the Oculus Rift CV1
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Using two cameras to generate 3D images for the Oculus Rift CV1

Author: Francisco Erivaldo Fernandes Junior

System requirements:

In the robot:

In the remote computer

How it works

The cameras connected in the robot will send images to the remote computer to be displayed in the Oculus Rift CV1.

The robot should be running the following ROS Packages:

The remote computer should be running the Unity application called "oculus_stereo_camera". This application will be responsible for receiving the images from the robot and sending the orientation of the Oculus CV1 using UDP sockets.

A system overview is illustrated in the image below: alt text

How to install

1.) Put the ROS Packages GSCAM and OCULUS_STEREO_CAMERA_UDP in your CATKIN WORKSPACE, and compile them.

2.) Import the folder oculus_stereo_camera to your Unity projects. Also, don't forget to install the Oculus software.

How to use

1.) Verify your webcam address on Ubuntu using Cheese. Normally, it will be on /dev/video0 and /dev/video1. If your webcam addresses are different, you should edit the file 3d_oculus.launch located in gscam/examples/ to match your webcams (LEFT_DEV and RIGHT_DEV lines).

2.) Run gscam with the following command: roslaunch gscam 3d_oculus.launch

3.) Run oculus_stereo_camera_udp nodes: roslaunch oculus_stereo_camera_udp nodes.launch

4.) Run the Unity application oculus_stereo_camera_udp.

5.) Put the goggles and test it.


If you cannot initialize gscam package, please verify the resolution and framerate in the file 3d_oculus.launch inside the folder examples. These can be found the lines 9, 10 and 11 (WIDTH, HEIGHT, and FPS). Some cameras are not compatible with some combination of resolution and framerate. Please, try to find the best combination for your camera.