feinoujc / Mandrill.net

Mailchimp Transactional (Mandrill) api client for .NET
MIT License
70 stars 26 forks source link
c-sharp cross-platform dotnet dotnet-core mailchimp mandrill


Simple, cross-platform Mandrill api wrapper for .NET Core

Coverage Status

API Docs


Getting Started

dotnet add package Mandrill.net

# use Mandrill with HttpClientFactory
dotnet add package Mandrill.net.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Send a new transactional message through Mandrill

var api = new MandrillApi("YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE");
var message = new MandrillMessage("from@example.com", "to@example.com",
                "hello mandrill!", "...how are you?");
var result = await api.Messages.SendAsync(message);

Send a new transactional message through Mandrill using a template

var api = new MandrillApi("YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE");
var message = new MandrillMessage();
message.FromEmail = "no-reply@acme.com";
message.ReplyTo = "customerservice@acme.com";
//supports merge var content as string
message.AddGlobalMergeVars("invoice_date", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
//or as objects (handlebar templates only)
message.AddRcptMergeVars("recipient@example.com", "invoice_details", new[]
    new Dictionary<string, object>
        {"sku", "apples"},
        {"qty", 4},
        {"price", "0.40"}
    new Dictionary<string, object>
        {"sku", "oranges"},
        {"qty", 6},
        {"price", "0.30"}


var result = await api.Messages.SendTemplateAsync(message, "customer-invoice");

Service Registration

It is recommended that you do not create an instance of the MandrillApi for every request, to effectively pool connections to mandrill, and prevent socket exhaustion in your app. If you are using .net dependency injection, you can use the Mandrill.net.Extensions.DependencyInjection package which includes a IServiceCollection.AddMandrill() extension method, allowing you to register all the needed interfaces and also customize the HttpClientFactory to efficiently manage the HttpClient connections.

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Mandrill;
using Mandrill.Model;
using Mandrill.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

var services = ConfigureServices(new ServiceCollection()).BuildServiceProvider();
var api = services.GetRequiredService<IMandrillApi>();
// we can also target specific mandrill api endpoint interfaces...
//var messagesApi = services.GetRequiredService<IMandrillMessagesApi>();
var message = new MandrillMessage("from@example.com", "to@example.com",
        "hello mandrill!", "...how are you?");
var result = await api.Messages.SendAsync(message);

static IServiceCollection ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddMandrill(options =>
        options.ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE"; // Load the api key from configuration

    return services;

Processing a web hook batch

public async Task<IActionResult> Outbound([FromForm(Name = "mandrill_events")] string body)
    if (!Request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Mandrill-Signature", out var signature))
        return Unauthorized();

    var events = MandrillMessageEvent.ParseMandrillEvents(body);

    // accept an empty test request
    if (events.Count == 0)
        return Accepted();

    if (!ValidateRequest(body, signature, "WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY_HERE"))
        return Forbid();

    foreach (var messageEvent in events)
        // do something with the event
    return Ok();

private bool ValidateRequest(string body, string signature, string authKey)
    var form = new NameValueCollection();
    form.Set("mandrill_events", body);
    return WebHookSignatureHelper.VerifyWebHookSignature(signature, authKey, new Uri(Request.GetDisplayUrl()), form);


dotnet build


You must set the user environment variable MANDRILL_API_KEY in order to run these tests. Go to https://mandrillapp.com/ to obtain an api key.

In order for the email from address to match your allowed sending domains, you can set MANDRILL_SENDING_DOMAIN to match your account.

# include MANDRILL_API_KEY and MANDRILL_SENDING_DOMAIN in your env. For example:
# MANDRILL_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxx MANDRILL_SENDING_DOMAIN=acme.com dotnet test tests
dotnet test

API coverage

See this issue to track progress of api implementation