felixroos / kabelsalat

live coding audio graphs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
14 stars 2 forks source link


very early experiment to live code audio graphs


compilation strategy / graph format based on https://noisecraft.app/


Project Setup

You need nodejs v22 and pnpm. Then run pnpm i to install dependencies.

Running Offline

  1. pnpm build to build the site
  2. pnpm preview to serve the build



npm login

# this will increment all the versions in package.json files of non private packages to selected versions
npx lerna version --no-private

# publish all packages inside /packages using pnpm! don't use lerna to publish!!
pnpm --filter "./packages/**" publish --dry-run

# the last command was only a dry-run. if everything looks ok, run this:
pnpm --filter "./packages/**" publish --access public