felixzapata / gulp-i18n-pug

Gulp plugin to compile Pug templates with internationalization support based on JS/JSON/YAML files
MIT License
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Gulp plugin to compile Pug templates with internationalization support based on JS/JSON/YAML files.

Inspired by grunt-pug-i18n.

It adds high level support for Pug template internationalization based on JSON/YAML/JS files.

How to install

$ npm install gulp-i18n-pug --save-dev


Example JSON locale file (es_ES.json)

  "hello": {
    "world": "Hola Mundo"

Example Pug template

  h1 #{$i18n.hello.world}!
  p Using locale #{$localeName}
var pugI18n = require('gulp-i18n-pug');
gulp.task('pugI18n', function () {
  var options = {
    i18n: {
      dest: 'dist',
      locales: 'test/locales/*.*'
    pretty: true
  return gulp.src('myPugTemplates/directory/*.pug')
var pugI18n = require('gulp-i18n-pug');
gulp.task('pugI18n', function () {
  var options = {
    i18n: {
      locales: 'test/locales/*',
      namespace: '$t',
      localeExtension: true
    client: false,
    pretty: true
  return gulp.src('myPugTemplates/directory/*.pug')
var pugI18n = require('gulp-i18n-pug');
gulp.task('pugI18n', function () {
  var options = {
    i18n: {
      dest: '.tmp'
    data: {
      $i18n: {
        message: 'Hello world!',
        nested: {
          msg: 'and hello to you'
    pretty: true
  return gulp.src('myPugTemplates/directory/*.pug')


Only i18n specific options are listed below.


Type: string|array

Path to localization files. Please check the examples in tests. Glob patterns can be used.

JSON, YAML and JS formats are supported for the translation templates.


Type: string Default: $i18n

Namespace to expose translation keys in Pug template


Type: boolean Default: false

Generate the HTML output files with the extension prefix with the current language. By default it will create different folders for each language.

Setting this option into true, the generated HTML files will look like this:

├── view.en-en.html
└── view.es-es.html

... instead of:

├── en-EN/
│   └── view.html
└── es-ES/
    └── view.html


Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Show the status.

Release History

Read the full changelog.


MIT © Felix Zapata.