fenimore / chesscargot

chess client using chess.js and chessboard.js written in PHP/MySql
GNU General Public License v2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Snail Chess | Echescargot

| FR | Celui-ci est une base de données qui peut être utilisé par n’importe qui. C'est pour des jeux lents, comme des escargots, et des jeux privés. Le logiciel d'échecs utilise deux bibliothèques très raffinés: chessboard.js pour l'échiquier et chess.js pour la validation des coups.

| EN | This chess client uses chess.js and chessboard.js and uses PHP/MySql. It is for playing slow games of chess.

This code is intended to be loaded onto a server as a private game database where **no logins** are required; though I'm thinking of adding a simple authentication/password splash page, for security against vandalism. Check out my instance, and challenge me at chess.


Planned Features:


Database Initialization:

The required database has 9 columns: id (autoincrement primary key), info, black, white, pgn, comments, fen, results, and date. Pgn and comments are longtext type; info, white, and black are varchar type; pgn, fen results, and date are text type. All columns are not-null & utf8.

In order to set up a chesscargot instance, fill out the localhost/database/username/password information in the database.php file and create a database with the appropriate table chessgames.

CREATE TABLE `database`.`chessgames` ( 
    `info` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , 
    `white` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , 
    `black` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , 
    `pgn` LONGTEXT NOT NULL , 
    `date` TEXT NOT NULL , 
    `fen` TEXT NOT NULL , 
    `comments` LONGTEXT NOT NULL , 
    `results` TEXT NOT NULL , 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
