This epic has been further reduced to the following user stories:
As a Registered User I can rate products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise.
As a Registered User I can see rating I gave on products I have rated so that I know if I have previously rated a product and what rating I gave it.
As a Registered User I can edit the rating I gave to products so that I can easily change my view of a product over time.
As a Registered User I can delete the rating I gave to a product so that I can easily remove my input regarding a particular product if I no longer have a view on it.
As a Registered User I can comment on products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise.
As a Registered User I can see comments I made on products so that I know if I have previously commented on a product and what comment I made
As a Registered User I can edit comments I made about products so that I can easily change my view of a product over time.
As a Registered User I can delete comments I made on a product so that I can easily remove my input regarding a particular product if I no longer have a view on it.
(Note that these user stories have been created as their own separate PBIs.)
As a Registered User I can leave comments and rate products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise.