fenton1000 / mf-portfolio-five-big-boring-shop

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Portfolio Project 5 - Big Boring Shop README

1. Purpose of the Project

Big Boring Shop intends to establish itself as an online grocery store. Its stated aim is to compete with low-cost grocery retailers but in the form of a fully online service including delivery with no high street presence. The lack of a high street presence is a deliberate part of the business model, with the aim of eliminating the high costs associated with this form of retail. Instead a warehouse and delivery system will form the key business infrastructure.

Furthermore, with a view to providing a competive service the store will focus on a narrow selection of popular, high volume, day to day household goods and foods. Niche products will not form part of the offering.

In terms of the marketing of the business the intention is to be quite upfront about the model. The business will be saying to customers that the big weekly shop to buy the usual essentials is also the big, time consuming, not so exciting weekly chore - the Big Boring Shop! So why not spend your precious time doing something a bit more exciting, maybe some proper retail therapy, and let us look after the boring stuff! We will even deliver to your door.

As the model relies entirely on an online presence, the need for a simple easy to use website and payment system together with a comprehensive web marketing strategy is clear.

2. E-commerce Model

The proposed e-commerce application type can be defined as follows:

Based on the above key features that will need to be provided are as follows:

As a result the following database tables will be required:

The above outlines the key elements of the proposed e-commerce model and the remainder of this document is developed with this model in mind.

3. User Stories - Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  1. As a Visiting User I can easily view information on the type of business this is so that I can quickly determine if the business provides the service/products I require.

  2. As a Visiting User I can view a list of products the business sells so that I can choose items I may wish to purchase.

  3. As a Visiting User I can search and filter the products list so that I can easily find the products I need.

  4. As a Visiting User I can view the details for a specific product so that I can decide if the particular product is the one I wish/need to purchase.

  5. As a Visiting User I can view details, including costs, for delivery so that I know what the costs and terms are before I start spending time adding items to a potential purchase list.

  6. As a Visiting User I can add items to a shopping cart so that after choosing an item to potentially purchase I can continue to look at other items, add further items, and keep track of the overall potential total.

  7. As a Visiting User I can view my shopping cart purchase summary so that I can review all of the items I have added to the cart and the total purchase cost.

  8. As a Visiting User I can adjust the quantity of any item in my cart or remove an item completely so that I can easily confirm a final purchase list just prior to making a purchase.

  9. As a Visiting User I can make an online payment with my debit or credit card so that I can easily purchase my chosen products.

  10. As a Visiting User I can create an account and save my details so that I do not have to enter all of my details each time I make a purchase on this website.

  11. As a Site Administrator I can log in to the admin pages of the website so that I can securely carry out admin functions in sections of the site not accessible to the general public.

  12. As a Site Administrator I can add products to the product list so that the website can be easily updated with the latest product offerings from the business.

  13. As a Site Administrator I can edit product details so that the product details can be easily kept up to date over time.

  14. As a Site Administrator I can delete products from the product list so that any products no longer sold by the business are easily removed from the product offering.

  15. As a Visiting User I can navigate to a contact page so that I can view the various ways to contact the business including by means of a contact form.

  16. As a Visiting User I can complete a contact form and provide my name, email and comment or query so that I can easily contact the business and expect a reply.

  17. As a Registered User I can add products to a favourites list as I shop so that I can easily find the products I buy most often on future visits.

  18. As a Registered User I can view my favourites list so that I can easily add any of these items to my cart when shopping.

  19. As a Registered User I can delete items from my favourites list so that I can keep my list up to date with my current preferences.

  20. As a Registered User I can rate products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise.

  21. As a Registered User I can see rating I gave on products I have rated so that I know if I have previously rated a product and what rating I gave it.

  22. As a Registered User I can edit the rating I gave to products so that I can easily change my view of a product over time.

  23. As a Registered User I can delete the rating I gave to a product so that I can easily remove my input regarding a particular product if I no longer have a view on it.

  24. As a Registered User I can comment on products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise.

  25. As a Registered User I can see comments I made on products so that I know if I have previously commented on a product and what comment I made

  26. As a Registered User I can edit comments I made about products so that I can easily change my view of a product over time.

  27. As a Registered User I can delete comments I made on a product so that I can easily remove my input regarding a particular product if I no longer have a view on it.

  28. As a Visiting User I can see an icon for the website on page tabs so that I can easily navigate pages when I have multiple tabs open.

  29. As a Visiting User I can opt to sign up to a digital newsletter from the business so that I can keep up to date with new products and latest offers.

  30. As a business owner I can maintain website consistency through the provision of a custom 404 page so that even when an error occurs that leads to a 404 return, the customer does not feel as if they have exited the site and can easily return to the home page.

4. Features

Please note that the features section contains relevant extracts from the project wireframes. The complete wireframes are included in section 7 of this document.

4.1 Navigation Bar

Fig. 4.1.1 Navigation Bar - Desktop wireframe of the navigation bar in desktop view
Fig. 4.1.2 Navigation Bar - Mobile wireframe of the navigation bar in mobile view

4.2 Header

Fig. 4.2.1 Header - Desktop wireframe of the page header in desktop view
Fig. 4.2.2 Header - Mobile wireframe of the page header in mobile view

4.3 Footer

Fig. 4.3.1 Footer - Desktop wireframe of the page footer in desktop view
Fig. 4.3.2 Footer - Mobile wireframe of the page footer in mobile view

4.4 Home Page Main Section

Fig. 4.4.1 Home Page Main Section wireframe of the home page main section

4.5 Shopping/Products Page

Fig. 4.5.1 Shopping/Products Page wireframe of the shopping page main section

4.6 Product Detail Page

Fig. 4.6.1 Product Detail Page - Desktop wireframe of the product detail section on desktop
Fig. 4.6.2 Product Detail Page - Mobile wireframe of the product detail section on mobile

4.7 Shopping Cart

Fig. 4.7.1 Shopping Cart - Desktop wireframe of the shopping cart section on desktop
Fig. 4.7.2 Shopping Cart - Mobile wireframe of the shopping cart section on mobile

4.8 Checkout Page

4.9 Checkout Success Page

4.10 Edit Comment/Rating Page

4.11 Contact Us Page

4.12 My Profile Page

Fig. 4.11.1 Profile Page - Desktop wireframe of the profile page on desktop
Fig. 4.11.2 Profile Page - Mobile wireframe of the profile page on mobile

4.13 Order History Page

4.14 Product Management – Add Product Page

4.15 Product Management – Edit Product Page

4.16 Sign In Form

4.17 Sign Up Form

4.18 Password Reset Form

4.19 Sign Out Page

5. Future Features

The following future features could be added in time:

  1. A stock control system including the ability for admin to review stock quantities and the automatic displaying of out-of-stock information to customers when it occurs.

  2. A system for managing order fulfillment and delivery confirmation.

  3. An enhanced chat style contact us feature rather than just a simple contact form as currently provided.

  4. Give users the ability to log in using an existing social media account.

  5. Create an admin approval flow for customer product comments.

  6. Give users the ability to filter product comments by date, rating, view my comments etc.

6. Typography and Color Scheme

6.1 Typography

The overall theme of the website is to be simple, clear, and a little brash in line with the simple product offering the business wants to proudly promote and shout about.

The text styles chosen are Roboto and Roboto Condensed. These give a simple easy to read and business-like appearance.

Roboto Condensed with a font weight of 700 has been used for headings, input labels and product prices.

Roboto has been used for all other texts. Generally the font weight used is 400 with occasional use of a 700 font weight where bold text is required.

6.2 Color Scheme

As stated above the site aims to keep a simple appearance with a slightly brash approach to catch the eye and confidently put forward its product offering. Therefore the chosen colours either are, or are close to, primary colours.

ff0000 (red) has been used as the background for the business name and the name is displayed in #ffff00 (yellow).

f5f5f5 is a close to white color and is used as the background color for the h2 heading in the header and as the text color for the catchphrase banner on the homepage.

212529 is a close to black color and is used as the background color for the catchphrase banner on the homepage and as the default text color.

000000 (black) is used as the border color for form input fields, for form select fields and for form text areas.

32cf2d is a close to green color and is the hover color for form input fields, for form select fields and for form text areas.

e4eef7 is a light grey color chosen to provide the footer with a degree of contrast from other page content across all pages.

df1a1a is a bright red color used for the heart icon to indicate products on a user’s favourites list.

17a2b8, the bootstrap 4.4 “info” color is the background color for the About Us section on the home page and for the product category filter button on the product page.

f8f9fa, the bootstrap 4.4 “light” color is the background color for the Delivery section on the home page.

28a745, the bootstrap 4.4 “success” color has been used for green buttons.

6c757d, the bootstrap 4.4 “secondary” color is used for grey buttons.

7. Wireframes

7.1 Home Page on Desktop

Wireframe of the website home page on a desktop view

7.2 Home Page on Mobile

Wireframe of the website home page on a mobile view

7.3 Product Page on Desktop

Wireframe of the website product page on a desktop view

7.4 Product Page on Mobile

Wireframe of the website product page on a mobile view

7.5 Product Detail Page on Desktop

Wireframe of the website product detail page on a desktop view

7.6 Product Detail Page on Mobile

Wireframe of the website product detail page on a mobile view

7.7 Profile Page on Desktop

Wireframe of the website profile page on a desktop view

7.8 Profile Page on Mobile

Wireframe of the website profile page on a mobile view

7.9 Shopping Cart Page on Desktop

Wireframe of the website shopping cart page on a desktop view

7.10 Shopping Cart Page on Mobile

Wireframe of the website shopping cart page on a mobile view

8. Database Entity Relationship Diagram

Database ERD showing the data models and their relationships

9. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

A process of determining keywords for the purpose of Search Engine Optimisation was undertaken in steps as follows:

9.1 Step 1 - Topics

Key topics the business would wish to rank highly for and that customers would likely search for were determined and listed as follows:

9.2 Step 2 - Keyword Dump

Keywords were then listed under these topics:

Supermarket, Shopping ,Local, Online shopping, Best places to do my weekly shopping

Groceries, Grocery, Fresh Food, Cupboard, Freezer, Drinks, Health and Beauty, Household, Value for money, grocery shopping

Delivery, Deliver my groceries, Deliver my shopping, Local delivery from a local store, Best place to get my weekly shopping delivered from

9.3 Step 3 - Google Search

Using the above list of potential keywords google searches were undertaken to discover popular search terms via the search bar prompts and the “people also searched for” section of returned results. The following list of popular search terms was compiled:

9.4 Step 4 - Final Short-tail and Long-tail Keyword List

Based on the information gathered in steps 1 to 3, a refined final list of both short-tail and long-tail keywords was reached with the aim of using keywords that are sufficiently popular to generate searches while not being so competitive as to leave the business too far from the top of the list of search results.

The final keyword list is as follows:

  1. Online grocery shopping in Ireland
  2. Supermarket delivery in Ireland
  3. Grocery delivery in Ireland
  4. Deliver my weekly shopping
  5. Planning a grocery delivery
  6. Convenient grocery shopping and delivery
  7. Supermarket Delivery
  8. Grocery Delivery
  9. Weekly Shopping
  10. Make a shopping list
  11. Make weekly shopping less boring

9.5 SEO Implementation

10. Web Marketing

When deciding on a web marketing strategy for the business the following items were considered:

Who are the business users?

As this is a grocery retailer the potential user comes from a very wide demographic. However, as a wholly online business, the user will be someone who is comfortable interacting and purchasing in an online environment. Therefore the potential customer is an ideal candidate to be reached by an appropriate web marketing strategy.

Which online platforms would you find lots of your users?

Given the potentially wide demographic as outlined above there are numerous platforms on which potential customers could be found. Given that Facebook has a high market share amongst social media users this will be targeted in particular, but also sharing the content generated on other platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.

What do your users need? Could you meet that need with useful content? If yes, how could you best deliver that content to them?

Possibly the simplest way to deliver content to users for this online retailer is via a newsletter highlighting latest offers, bargain of the week, new products etc. Some of the key information will also be provided on social media but the newsletter would allow provision of much more detail to those that are interested, particularly those in search of a bargain and that is always a key marketing strategy in grocery retailing.

The following potential strategies have been considered. The key elements influencing decisions are reaching the required audience but within the budget of this small start-up business with big ambitions.

11. Facebook Business Page

Further to the web marketing strategy outlined above, a facebook business page was prepared for the business. Key information about the business including business type, web address, telephone number, location and opening hours were included. The hero image used in the website was also used as the header image for the page to ensure a consistent appearance and theme. A shop on website button was also added.

Screenshots of the facebook business page are included hereunder:

Fig. 11.1 Facebook Page Header

Screenshot of the facebook business page header

Fig. 11.2 Facebook Page About Section - Part A. Screenshot of the top half of the facebook page about section
Fig. 11.3 Facebook Page About Section - Part B. Screenshot of the bottom half of the facebook page about section
Fig. 11.4 Facebook Page Created Info. Screenshot of the page created information
Fig. 11.5 Facebook Page 1st Post Screenshot of the first post
Fig. 11.6 Facebook Page - Shop on Website button added. Screenshot of the shop on website button added notification
Fig. 11.7 Facebook Page - Website address updated notification. Screenshot of the website address updated notification
Fig. 11.8 Facebook Page - Profile Picture updated notification. Screenshot of the profile picture updated notification
Fig. 11.9 Facebook Page Opening Hours. Screenshot of the displayed opening hours
Fig. 11.10 Facebook Page - Editing Opening Hours. Screenshot of the admin page for setting opening hours and shows the hours matching those on the website.

12. Agile Methodology

An Agile methodology and tools have been applied to the management of this project. Tools available within GitHub have been used to apply these methodologies.

The GitHub issues list has been used to create User Stories and Epics as well as raising issues for bugs, README, testing and UX Enhancement. The issues list for this project is available here.

Labels have been applied to the issues using both the GitHub-provided labels for bug, enhancement and documentation as well as the creation of custom labels for story points and must-have, should-have, and could-have labels for prioritization.

Available Labels

Screenshot of available lables

Using the milestones feature in GitHub a Product Backlog was created. Issues raised and deemed to require work were passed to the Product Backlog to become Product Backlog Items (PBIs). In the case of this project all issues raised passed to the Product Backlog.

Again using the milestones feature iteration timeboxes were created. For this project the length of a timebox was 8 days for all but the last iteration and in total 3 such 8-day iterations were achieved during the development of the MVP. The final iteration occurred between final mentor review and submission and was a 4 day timebox. The milestones for this project are available here.

Prior to being added to an iteration the acceptance critera for user stories were added and user stories were broken down into the tasks required to achieved the acceptance criteria. The acceptance criteria were written in non-technical language to clearly outline what was needed for the user story to be considered fulfilled. The tasks include the technical requirements.

In the case of bugs, readme, testing, and enhancements, a list of tasks required to be completed to address the issue was added.

The tasks and acceptance criteria for any individual task can be viewed by opening the individual issue in the issues list or in the milestone.

Finally, prior to adding any issue to an iteration timebox the appropriate labels were added to assign story points, priority and as necessary hightlight additional information such as the issue being a bug.

The four timebox iterations for the project are as follows:

Iteration 1

Screenshot of the top half of the iteration one timebox Screenshot of the bottom half of the iteration one timebox

Iteration 2

Screenshot of iteration two timebox

Iteration 3

Screenshot of iteration three timebox

Iteration 4

Screenshot of iteration four timebox

For iteration 1 the story points total was set to 14. However only 6 PBIs were fully completed in the iteration with a couple of PBIs ongoing at that point. Therefore at the start of iteration 2 the story point total was limited to 8. However, in this iteration further PBIs were added throughout resulting in 22 points being completed. This gives an average velocity of approximately 14 points over the first two iterations. In iteration 3 the total story points added in the beginning was 12. In Iteration 3, 4 story points were completed with some remaining PBIs in progress having their combined total reduced by a further four points. Taking the total completed for Iteration 3 therefore as 8 points, the average velocity after 3 iterations was 12 points. As the final iteration runs between the final mentoring session and the project deadline it is a shorter 4 day sprint. Based on the above therefore the preferred maximum story point total for iteration 4 is 6 points and the actual total in the Iteration 4 timebox at the start is 5 points.

When assigning and prioritising PBIs in a timebox, it was ensured that the story-point total for must-have PBIs was set to less than 60% of the total. In practice the percentage was generally much lower than this maximum allowed. It was also ensured that could-have PBIs made up at least 20% of the story-point total.

Finally a kanban board was used to assist in the tracking and coordination of PBIs on a day-to-day basis. This board was set up as a virtual board using the projects tool in GitHub with PBIs added to the board at the commencement of iterations and moving from "Todo" to "In Progress" to "Done". The project board for this project can be viewed here.

Board at Start

Screenshot of the kanban board at the start of the project

Board near End

Screenshot of the kanban board near the end of the project

13. Technology

The following technologies were used in developing and deploying the website:

14. Testing

14.1 Code Validation

14.1.1 HTML Code Validation

HTML code validation was carried out using the W3C Markup Validation Service. All code was successfully validated as outlined hereunder.

For public pages validation was undertaken by URI where appropriate as follows:

Home page at: https://mf-pp5-big-boring-shop.herokuapp.com/

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Home page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for home page.

Shopping/Products page at: https://mf-pp5-big-boring-shop.herokuapp.com/products/

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Shopping/Products page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for shopping products page.

Product Detail page at: https://mf-pp5-big-boring-shop.herokuapp.com/products/10/

This is a sample test of one of many product detail pages. However the product detail pages are all created using the same template and so the underlying html is the same.

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Sample Product Detail page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for a sample product detail page.

Contact Us Page at: https://mf-pp5-big-boring-shop.herokuapp.com/contact/

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Contact Us page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for contact us page.

Sign Up Page at: https://mf-pp5-big-boring-shop.herokuapp.com/accounts/signup/

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Sign Up page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the sign up page.

Sign In Page at: https://mf-pp5-big-boring-shop.herokuapp.com/accounts/login/

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Sign In page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the sign in page.

The following pages do not require log in but contain very little content without an active user and therefore have been tested by way of direct input to the validator after adding items to the shopping cart:

Shopping Cart Page:

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Shopping Cart page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the shopping cart page.

Checkout Page:

This validation displays one warning. This is in relation to the use of an h1 heading in code taken from and credited to the Boutique Ado walkthrough project by code Institute and is used to create the spinner that appears to users while a payment is being processed.

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Checkout page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the checkout page.

Checkout Success Page:

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Checkout Success page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the checkout success page.

For pages requiring a logged-in user validation was undertaken by Direct Input as follows:

Sign Out Page:

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Sign Out page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the sign out page.

My Profile Page:

Fig. HTML Validation Result for My Profile page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for the my profile page.

Order History Page:

This is a sample test of one Order History page. There could potentially be numerous pages for each registered user but all are created using the same template and so the underlying html is the same.

Fig. HTML Validation Result for an Order History page Screenshot of the successful HTML validation result for an order history page.

Admin Add Product Page:

This validation contains one error in the code copied from the chrome inspector for the page. However this error is not occurring in any custom code created for the project. It is instead occurring in code for the display of form errors created by django's template form tags.

Fig. HTML Validation Result for Admin Add Product page Screenshot of the HTML validation result for the admin add product page.

14.1.2 CSS Code Validation

CSS code validation was carried out using the W3C CSS Validation Service. Files were tested by direct input and were successfully validated as follows:

File: styles.css

Fig. CSS Validation Result for styles.css Screenshot of the successful CSS validation result for the styles.css file.

File: checkout.css

Fig. CSS Validation Result for checkout.css Screenshot of the successful CSS validation result for the checkout.css file.

File: products.css

Fig. CSS Validation Result for products.css Screenshot of the successful CSS validation result for the products.css file.

File: profile.css

Fig. CSS Validation Result for profile.css Screenshot of the successful CSS validation result for the profile.css file.

14.1.3 Javascript/jquery Code Validation

Javascript code validation was carried out using JS Hint. Each file was tested by direct input and was successfully validated as follows:

File: ratingSelect.js in the comment_rating app

Fig. js Validation Result for ratingSelect.js Screenshot of the successful javascript validation result for the ratingSelect.js file.

File: deleteCartItem.js in the cart app

Fig. js Validation Result for deleteCartItem.js Screenshot of the successful javascript validation result for the deleteCartItem.js file.

File: adminDeleteProduct.js in the products app

Fig. js Validation Result for adminDeleteProduct.js Screenshot of the successful javascript validation result for the adminDeleteProduct.js file.

File: deleteFavourite.js in the profile app

Fig. js Validation Result for deleteFavourite.js Screenshot of the successful javascript validation result for the deleteFavourite.js file.

14.1.4 Python Code Validation

In the first instance python validation has been implemented by way of constant monitoring of the problems list in the IDE. All custom python files were found to be free of problems.

In addition python code was checked by running python3 -m flake8 in the command line of the GITPOD IDE. As a result, errors found were addressed as per commit number 138 "Correct flake8 errors". This included the deletion of unused files. Any outstanding errors in this list related to automatically generated files such as migration files and were largely in relation to lines being too long but were left, as to edit these files was considered unnece4ssary and may lead to other problems.

14.2 Test Cases

14.2.1 User Story Testing

User stories have been tested as follows:

User Story Testing
As a Visiting User I can easily view information on the type of business this is so that I can quickly determine if the business provides the service/products I require. Information on the service provided is clearly displayed on the home page.
As a Visiting User I can view a list of products the business sells so that I can choose items I may wish to purchase. The shopping page displays all the available products.
As a Visiting User I can search and filter the products list so that I can easily find the products I need. At the top of the shopping page there is a search bar and a product category dropdown list to filter by category.
As a Visiting User I can view the details for a specific product so that I can decide if the particular product is the one I wish/need to purchase. From the shopping page the user can click on any product, either on the product image or the Product Detail link, and this takes the user to a product detail page for the chosen product.
As a Visiting User I can view details, including costs, for delivery so that I know what the costs and terms are before I start spending time adding items to a potential purchase list. Delivery details are clearly displayed in a panel on the home page.
As a Visiting User I can add items to a shopping cart so that after choosing an item to potentially purchase I can continue to look at other items, add further items, and keep track of the overall potential total. Every product detail page has an option to add a user chosen quantity of a product to the shopping cart and the cart's running total is displayed in the navbar at the top of every page. At any point a user can click on the cart to view the contents in more detail and return to shopping again if they choose to.
As a Visiting User I can view my shopping cart purchase summary so that I can review all of the items I have added to the cart and the total purchase cost. A shopping cart link is available in the navbar and when clicked on takes the user to a cart summary showing, products, quantities, prices and total costs including delivery if applicable.
As a Visiting User I can adjust the quantity of any item in my cart or remove an item completely so that I can easily confirm a final purchase list just prior to making a purchase. The shopping cart has options to adjust the quantity in the cart and to remove an item from the cart.
As a Visiting User I can make an online payment with my debit or credit card so that I can easily purchase my chosen products. A checkout page is provided with a payment system powered by stripe.
As a Visiting User I can create an account and save my details so that I do not have to enter all of my details each time I make a purchase on this website. The account dropdown in the navbar provides unregistered users the option to register, create an account and add details via the profile page. These details will then pre-populate the payment form. The option to save or update details from the checkout form is also provided.
As a Site Administrator I can log in to the admin pages of the website so that I can securely carry out admin functions in sections of the site not accessible to the general public. Django admin functionality including superuser have been used to create admin access to the admin panel.
As a Site Administrator I can add products to the product list so that the website can be easily updated with the latest product offerings from the business. An add product form is provided to admin staff.
As a Site Administrator I can edit product details so that the product details can be easily kept up to date over time. When an admin superuser is logged in the option/link to edit a product is provided on every product. This link opens an edit product form.
As a Site Administrator I can delete products from the product list so that any products no longer sold by the business are easily removed from the product offering. When an admin superuser is logged in the option/link to delete a product is provided on every product.
As a Visiting User I can navigate to a contact page so that I can view the various ways to contact the business including by means of a contact form. The Contact Us link in the navbar brings the user to a page providing contact details for the business and a contact form.
As a Visiting User I can complete a contact form and provide my name, email and comment or query so that I can easily contact the business and expect a reply. The contact form on the Contact Us page provides these fields together with a simple submit button.
As a Registered User I can add products to a favourites list as I shop so that I can easily find the products I buy most often on future visits. When a logged-in user is viewing a product detail page an option to add the product to favourites is provided.
As a Registered User I can view my favourites list so that I can easily add any of these items to my cart when shopping. A registered user can view their favourites list on their profile page and clicking on an item on the list will bring them to the product detail page.
As a Registered User I can delete items from my favourites list so that I can keep my list up to date with my current preferences. A register user can delete items from their favourites list either from the product detail page for the item or from the favourites list on the profile page.
As a Registered User I can rate products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise. An option to rate a product is provided on the product detail page for each product when a user is logged in.
As a Registered User I can see rating I gave on products I have rated so that I know if I have previously rated a product and what rating I gave it. The comments and ratings section on the product detail page highlights a rating by the logged-in user if one exists.
As a Registered User I can edit the rating I gave to products so that I can easily change my view of a product over time. On the product detail page the option to edit a previously provided rating is available to the logged-in user.
As a Registered User I can delete the rating I gave to a product so that I can easily remove my input regarding a particular product if I no longer have a view on it. On the product detail page the option to delete a previously provided rating is available to the logged-in user.
As a Registered User I can comment on products so that I can assist my fellow customers and benefit when they do likewise. An option to comment on a product is provided on the product detail page for each product when a user is logged in.
As a Registered User I can see comments I made on products so that I know if I have previously commented on a product and what comment I made The comments and ratings section on the product detail page highlights a comment by the logged-in user if one exists.
As a Registered User I can edit comments I made about products so that I can easily change my view of a product over time. On the product detail page the option to edit a previously made comment is available to the logged-in user.
As a Registered User I can delete comments I made on a product so that I can easily remove my input regarding a particular product if I no longer have a view on it. On the product detail page the option to delete a previously made comment is available to the logged-in user.
As a Visiting User I can see an icon for the website on page tabs so that I can easily navigate pages when I have multiple tabs open. A favicon has been provided. It is a part image of a shopping cart and an extract from the larger site hero image.
As a Visiting User I can opt to sign up to a digital newsletter from the business so that I can keep up to date with new products and latest offers. A newsletter subscription box is provided in the footer on all pages. It is powered by MailChimp.
As a business owner I can maintain website consistency through the provision of a custom 404 page so that even when an error occurs that leads to a 404 return, the customer does not feel as if they have exited the site and can easily return to the home page. A custom 404 page has been provided.

14.2.2 Feature Testing

Navigation Bar

Fig. Navigation Bar Screenshot of the website's navigation bar

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
BSS Logo Clicking link on any other page will take user to the home page Clicked link Home page opened
Home Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the home page Clicked link Home page opened
Home Link On home page the home link will be highlighted Opened home page Home Link is highlighted
Shopping Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the shopping/products page Clicked link Shopping/Products Page Opened
Shopping Link On shopping page the shopping link will be highlighted Opened shopping page Shopping Link is highlighted
Contact Us Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the Contact Us page Clicked link Contact Us page opened
Contact Us Link On Contact Us page the Contact Us link will be highlighted Opened Contact Us page Contact Us Link is highlighted
Account Dropdown Clicking on the Account dropdown when logged out will reveal links to Register and Sign In Clicked on Account Dropdown Links to Register and Sign In Appear
Register Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the sign up page Clicked link Sign Up page opened
Sign In Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the sign in page Clicked link Sign in page opened
Account Dropdown Clicking on the Account dropdown when logged in will reveal links to My Profile and Sign Out Clicked on Account Dropdown Links to My Profile and Sign Out Appear
My Profile Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the My Profile page Clicked link My Profile page opened
Sign Out Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the sign out confirmation page Clicked link Sign Out confirmation page opened
Admin Dropdown Admin Dropdowm will appear in navbar when superuser logs in Logged in as superuser Admin Dropdown appears
Admin Dropdown Clicking the Admin dropdown will reveal links to Admin Panel and Add Product Clicked on Admin Dropdown Admin Panel and Dropdown Links appear
Admin Panel Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the Django Admin Panel Clicked link Django Admin Panel opened
Add Product Link Clicking link on any other page will take user to the Add Product page Clicked link Add Product page opened
Shopping Cart Icon Clicking cart Icon on any other page will take user to the Shopping Cart page Clicked icon Shopping Cart page opened
Navbar Toggle on Mobile Clicking the navbar toggle will reveal the links already tested above Clicked toggle button Navbar links appeared


Fig. Header on Desktop Screenshot of the website's header on desktop
Fig. Header on Mobile Screenshot of the website's header on mobile

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Hero Image Shopping Cart Image appears on desktop views Open all pages at various wider test widths Image of shopping cart appears correctly
Business Name Big Boring Shop will appear at top of page Open all pages at various test widths Business name appears correctly
Your Shopping Delivered tagline Your Shopping Delivered tagline will appear in header on all pages Open all pages at various test widths Your Shopping Delivered tagline appears correctly


Fig. Footer Screenshot of the website's footer

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Facebook Link Clicking Link opens Facebook in a new tab Clicked link Facebook opened in a new tab
Instagram Link Clicking Link opens Instagram in a new tab Clicked link Instagram opened in a new tab
Twitter Link Clicking Link opens Twitter in a new tab Clicked link Twitter opened in a new tab
YouTube Link Clicking Link opens YouTube in a new tab Clicked link YouTube opened in a new tab
mailchimp Newsletter Subscription Submitting an email address will return a confirmation message on screen Submitted test email address Confirmation message appeared on screen
mailchimp Newsletter Subscription Submitting an email address will add it to the contact list in the associated mailchimp Account Submitted test email address Test email address added to mailchimp contact list
Fig. mailchimp contact list Screenshot of the mailchimp contact list with test email address added

Home Page Main Section

Fig. Home Page Main Section Screenshot of the website's home page main section

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Catchphrase banner, About Us and Delivery panels These items are clearly displayed when the home page is opened. Opened Home page The required items are visible

Shopping/Products Page

Fig. Shopping/Products Page Screenshot of the website's shopping products page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Search Bar Entering the search term water will display items that are water Entered water into search bar Correctly displays the two items still water and sparkling water
Search Bar Entering the search term local will display items that have local in their description Entered local into search bar Correctly displays 5 items with the word local or locally in their description
Product Categories Dropdown - Fresh Food Clicking the Fresh Food option will filter the list to products in the Fresh Food category Clicked on Fresh Food The product list is filtered to products in the Fresh Food category
Product Categories Dropdown - Cupboard and Freezer Clicking the Cupboard and Freezer option will filter the list to products in the Cupboard and Freezer category Clicked on Cupboard and Freezer The product list is filtered to products in the Cupboard and Freezer category
Product Categories Dropdown - Drinks Clicking the Drinks option will filter the list to products in the Drinks category Clicked on Drinks The product list is filtered to products in the Drinks category
Product Categories Dropdown - Health and Beauty Clicking the Health and Beauty option will filter the list to products in the Health and Beauty category Clicked on Health and Beauty The product list is filtered to products in the Health and Beauty category
Product Categories Dropdown - Household Clicking the Household option will filter the list to products in the Household category Clicked on Household The product list is filtered to products in the Household category
Product Card - Product Image Clicking on the product image will take the user to the product detail page for that product Clicked on the image for a number of test products The product detail page for the chosen product opened
Product Card - Product Detail Link Clicking on the product detail link will take the user to the product detail page for that product Clicked on the product detail link for a number of test products The product detail page for the chosen product opened

Product Detail Page

Fig. Product Detail Page Screenshot of a sample of the website's product detail page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Add to Cart Adding a number to the quantity field and clicking Add to Cart will add that quantity of that product to the cart Set quantity to 2 and clicked add to cart 2 no. of the tested product were added to the cart
Add to Cart Adding a number to the quantity field and clicking Add to Cart will give a success message to the user Set quantity to 2 and clicked add to cart A success message was displayed.
Add to Cart A quantity of 0 cannot be added to the cart Tried to add 0 quantity Error message appears saying quantity must be greater than or equal to 1
Add to Cart A quantity with a negative number cannot be added to the cart Tried to add -1 quantity Error message appears saying quantity must be greater than or equal to 1
Add to Cart A quantity greater than 99 cannot be added to the cart Tried to add 100 as quantity Error message appears saying quantity must be less than or equal to 99
Back Button If the product detail page has been reached from the shopping page the back button will lead back to the shopping page Clicked on a product from the shopping page and then clicked the Back button on the Product Detail Page User return to the shopping page
Back Button If the product detail page has been reached from the favourites list on the profile page the back button will lead back to the profile page Clicked on a product from the favourites list on the my profile page and then clicked the Back button on the Product Detail Page User return to the my profile page
Add to Favourites Clicking Add to Favourites will cause a heart icon to be displayed on the product detail page and the option to Delete from Favourites will appear Clicked on Add to Favourites The heart icon and the Delete from Favourites option appeared
Add to Favourites Clicking Add to Favourites will add the product to the favourites list on the my profile page Clicked on Add to Favourites The product was added to the favourites list on the my profile page
Add to Favourites Adding a favourite will give a success message to the user Added a favourite A success message was displayed.
Delete from Favourites Clicking Delete from Favourites will cause the heart icon to disappear from the product detail page and the option to Add to Favourites will appear Clicked on Delete from Favourites The heart icon disappeared and the Delete from Favourites option was replaced with the Add to Favourites option
Delete from Favourites Clicking Delete from Favourites will delete the product from the favourites list on the my profile page Clicked on Delete from Favourites The product was deleted from the favourites list on the my profile page
Delete from Favourites Deleting a favourite will give a success message to the user Deleted a favourite A success message was displayed.
Comment/Rating Form Comment Rating form will appear on a product detail page when a logged in user has not commented Logged in and navigated to a product that the logged in test user has not commented on The form to comment/rate a product appears
Comment/Rating form - Required comment field Trying to submit the form without a comment is not allowed Tried to submit the form without a comment Please fill out this field message appears
Comment/Rating Form - Rating field not required Submitting form without a rating is allowed Tried submitting a form with a comment but no rating Form was submitted
Comment/Rating Form - Submit The product detail page will refresh, a success message is displayed the form disappears and the user comment appears in the comment list Submitted comment/rating The product detail page refreshed, a success message was displayed, the form disappeared and the user comment appeared in the comment list
Product Rating The product rating will update based on the total number of user ratings For a test product, logged in as admin and rated the product 2/5, logged in as test user john and rated the product 3/5 The product rating updates to 2.50/5 based on 2 reviews as expected
User Comment Options When a users comment is displayed the options to edit or delete the comment will be provided Submitted a test comment The comment is displayed in the list of comments with options to edit or delete the comment/rating
Edit this Comment/Rating Clicking this link will open the edit comment/rating form Clicked link The edit comment/rating form opened
Delete this Comment Clicking this option will open the delete confimation modal Clicked the link The delete confirmation modal opened
Delete Confirmation Modal - Cancel Clicking this option will cancel the deletion process Clicked cancel The deletion process was cancelled
Delete confirmation Modal - Delete Comment Clicking this option will delete the user comment/rating Clicked Delete Comment The user comment/rating was deleted
Comments and Ratings - Logged Out User A logged out user can view comments/ratings but cannot leave edit or delete comments/ratings Logged out and viewed the test product detail page Comment and ratings are visible but the user has no option to leave a comment/rating or edit delete

Shopping Cart Page

Fig. Shopping Cart Page Screenshot of the shopping cart page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Update Quantity Adjusting the quantity and clicking Update Qty will adjust the quantity in the cart Changed quantity from 1 to 2 of a test product and clicked update qty The cart quantity changed as shown by the change to the subtotal
Update Quantity Setting the quantity to 0 and clicking update will remove the product from the cart Set the quantity to 0 on a test product and clicked update qty The product was removed from the cart
Remove from Cart Clicking on Remove from Cart will open a delete confirmation modal Clicked on Remove from Cart for a test product A delete confirmation modal opened
Delete Confirmation Modal - Cancel Clicking cancel will stop the deletion process Clicked cancel The deletion process for the test product was cancelled
Delete Confirmation Modal - Remove Clicking remove will remove the product from the cart Clicked Remove The test product was removed from the cart
Subtotal for each product This will automatically update based on the quantity of a product in the cart Added 2 no. of a test product costing €2.40 The subtotal correctly displays as €4.80
Cart Total This will automatically update to show the current goods total Added products with sub-totals of €4.80 and €2.40 Cart total correctly updates to €7.20
Delivery Will show as €10 when the cart total is less than €30 Added items to cart totalling less than €30 Delivery is displayed as costing €10
Delivery Will show as €0 when the cart total is more than €30 Added items to cart totalling more than €30 Delivery is displayed as costing €0
Grand Total Will show the total to be charged including delivery Added test items to a value of €7.20 Grand Total correctly shows as €17.20 including delivery
Grand Total The total here will also be displayed in the navbar with the cart icon Added test items to a value of €7.20 Grand Total correctly shows as €17.20 including delivery in the navbar
Free Delivery Difference Will show the additional amount to be spent to get free delivery Added test items to a value of €7.20 Free Delivery Difference correctly shows as €22.80
Keep Shopping! Button Clicking this button will take the user back to the shopping/products page Clicked Keep Shopping! The shopping/products page opened
Secure Checkout Clicking this button will take the user to the checkout page Clicked Secure Checkout The checkout page opened

Checkout Page

Fig. Checkout Page Screenshot of the checkout page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Keep Shopping! Button Clicking this button will bring a user to the shopping/products page Clicked button The shopping/products page opened
Required Full Name field Submitting the form without a Full Name returns error Clicked Complete Order with Full Name field blank Required field message appears
Required Email Address field Submitting the form without an Email Address returns error Clicked Complete Order with Email Address field blank Required field message appears
Email Address Submitting the form with an entry not in an email address format returns error Clicked Submit Details with Email field containing no @ Email error message appears
Required Phone number field Submitting the form without a Phone Number returns error Clicked Complete Order with Phone Number field blank Required field message appears
Required Street Address 1 field Submitting the form without a Street Address 1 returns error Clicked Complete Order with Street Address 1 field blank Required field message appears
Street Address 2 field Submitting the form without a Street Address 2 is accepted Clicked Complete Order with Street Address 2 field blank No error returned on this field
Required Town or City field Submitting the form without a Town or City returns error Clicked Complete Order with Town or City field blank Required field message appears
County field Submitting the form without a County is accepted Clicked Complete Order with County field blank No error returned on this field
Eircode field Submitting the form without an Eircode is accepted Clicked Complete Order with Eircode field blank No error returned on this field
Required Payment field Submitting the form without payment details returns an error Clicked Complete Order with payment field blank Error message appears
Payment field Entering an invalid number displays Your card number is invalid error message Entered invalid number Error message appears
Payment field Entering a card number but no expiry date displays Your card's expiration date is incomplete error message Entered valid card number without expiry date Error message appears
Payment field Entering a card number and expiry but no CVC displays Your card's security code is incomplete error message Entered valid card number and expiry date without CVC Error message appears
Adjust Cart button Clicking this button returns the user to the shopping cart page Clicked Adjust Cart The shopping cart page opened
Your card will be charged This will indicate the grand total to be charged Entered sample cart totalling €17.20 The correct total of €17.20 is displayed
Complete Order Clicking this button with the form completed charges the payment card Clicked button The payment was processed as per the stripe events log below
Complete Order Clicking this button adds the order to the order database Clicked button The order is added to the database
Complete Order Clicking this button sends an automated confirmation email to the customer Clicked button A confirmation email was sent as per the screen shot below
Complete Order Clicking this button opens the checkout success page Clicked button The checkout success page opens
Create an Account - No user logged in Clicking this link takes a user to the Sign Up page Clicked link The sign up page opens
login - No user logged in Clicking this link takes a user to the Sign In page Clicked link The sign in page opens
Checkout form - User Logged in Checkout form is pre-populated with profile data Navigated to checkout with a logged-in user Checkout form was pre-populated.
Save to Profile Option Save to profile checkbox provided when a user is logged-in Navigated to checkout with a logged-in user Save to profile checkbox appears
Save to Profile Updating information in the checkout form and checking the update profile box will update the saved profile information when the order is completed Made alterations to the test user information, checked the save box, and completed an order The changes made to the user details are reflected in the user profile
Fig. Stripe Event Log Screenshot of the stripe event log showing payment success
Fig. Email Confirmation Screenshot of the email confirmation received by the test customer

Checkout Success Page

Fig. Checkout Success Page Screenshot of the checkout success page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Success Message A success message appears at the top of the page including the order number Completed checkout process Success message appears
Order Summary Order summary appears including email address for confirmation email Completed checkout process Order Summary is displayed on success page
Back to Home button Clicking this button takes the user back to the home page Clicked button Home page opened

Edit Comment/Rating Page

Fig. Edit Comment/Rating Page Screenshot of the edit comment rating page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Edit Comment/Rating Form This form appears when a logged-in user clicks on the option to edit a comment/rating and is pre-populated with the existing data Logged in and navigated to a product that the logged-in test user has commented on and clicked on the edit link The edit comment/rating page opens with the existing comment and rating filled in.
Edit Comment/Rating form - Required comment field Trying to submit the form without a comment is not allowed Tried to submit the edit form without a comment Please fill out this field message appears
Edit Comment/Rating Form - Rating field not required Submitting form without a rating is allowed Tried submitting the form with a comment but no rating Form was submitted
Edit Comment/Rating Form - Update Comment button User is redirected to the product detail page, a success message is displayed and the updated user comment appears in the comment list with the updated-on date displayed Submitted an edited comment/rating The product detail page appeared, a success message was displayed, and the updated user comment appeared in the comment list with the updated-on date displayed
Product Rating The product rating will update based on the total number of user ratings Updated this rating to 4/5 with the other existing rating already set to 3/5 The product rating updates to 3.50/5 based on 2 reviews as expected

Contact Us Page

Fig. Contact Us Page Screenshot of the contact us page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Contact Details Telephone number, opening hours, and email addresses for the business are displayed on the page Opened the page Contact Details are displayed
Form pre-populated for logged-in user For a logged-in user the Full Name field and the Email field are pre-populated if the user has included them in the user profile Logged in and navigated to the Contact Us page The Full Name and Email fields are filled in correctly
Required Full Name field Submitting the form without a Full Name returns error Clicked Submit with Full Name field blank Required field message appears
Required Email field Submitting the form without an Email returns error Clicked Submit with Email Address field blank Required field message appears
Email Submitting the form with an entry, not in an email address format returns an error Clicked Submit with Email field containing no @ Email error message appears
Required Query field Submitting the form without a Query returns error Clicked Submit with Query field blank Required field message appears
Submit The query is added to the database and can be viewed from the admin panel with the viewed and closed checkboxes defaulting to false Clicked submit The query was available to view in the admin panel with viewed and closed appearing as false

My Profile Page

Fig. My Profile Page Screenshot of the my profile page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Order History A list of previous orders is displayed Logged in and navigated to the My Profile Page The order history was displayed
Order Number Link Clicking the order number for any of the orders opens the order details for that order Clicked on a test order number The order details were displayed.
Default Delivery Information Any existing information is displayed in the editable form Logged in and navigated to the My Profile Page Existing information is displayed
Phone Number field not required Submitting form without a phone number is allowed Tried submitting the form without a phone number Form was submitted
Address Line 1 field not required Submitting form without an address line 1 is allowed Tried submitting the form without an address line 1 Form was submitted
Address Line 2 field not required Submitting form without an address line 2 is allowed Tried submitting the form without an address line 2 Form was submitted
Town/City field not required Submitting form without a Town/City is allowed Tried submitting the form without a Town/City Form was submitted
County field not required Submitting form without a County is allowed Tried submitting the form without a County Form was submitted
Eircode field not required Submitting form without an Eircode is allowed Tried submitting the form without an Eircode Form was submitted
Update Information button When the button is clicked the page refreshes, the updated information is displayed, and a success message appears Clicked Update Information The page refreshed with the updated information and the success message appeared
Update Information button When the button is clicked the updated information is saved to the database Clicked Update Information The database is updated
Favourites A list of products on the user's favourites list is displayed Navigate to the My Profile page for a test user The user's favourites list is displayed
Product Image Clicking on a product image brings the user to the product detail page for that product Clicked on an image The product detail page opened
Product Name Clicking on a product name brings the user to the product detail page for that product Clicked on a product name The product detail page opened
Delete from Favourites Clicking this option will open the delete confimation modal Clicked the link The delete confirmation modal opened
Delete Confirmation Modal - Cancel Clicking this option will cancel the deletion process Clicked cancel The deletion process was cancelled
Delete confirmation Modal - Remove Clicking this option will delete the favourite from the list and refresh the page Clicked Remove The page refreshed with the favourite removed from the list

Order History Page

Fig. Order History Page Screenshot of the order history page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Info Message A message is displayed at the top of the page explaining that this is a past confirmation for the order number in question Clicked on a sample order The info message was correctly displayed
Order Summary An Order Summary is displayed Clicked on a sample order The order summary for the selected order was correctly displayed
Back to Profile button Clicking the button returns the user to the profile page Clicked on Back to Profile The My Profile page opens

Product Management - Add Product Page

Fig. Product Management - Add Product Page Screenshot of the add product page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Required Name field Submitting the form without a Name returns error Clicked Add Product with Name field blank Required field message appears
Required Description field Submitting the form without a Description returns error Clicked Add Product with Description field blank Required field message appears
Required Price field Submitting the form without a Price returns error Clicked Add Product with Price field blank Required field message appears
SKU and Image not required fields Submitting the form without a SKU or Image is allowed Clicked Add Product with SKU and Image fields blank Form is submitted
Add Product Adds the product to the website and redirect to the new product page Clicked Add Product The product is added
Cancel Cancels the add product process and redirects to the shopping/products page Clicked Cancel Process cancelled and the shopping page opened

Product Management - Edit Product Page

Fig. Product Management - Edit Product Page Screenshot of the edit product page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Info Message An info message tells the superuser they are editing a product Navigated to edit product page The info message is displayed
Pre-populated form The edit form appears pre-populated with the current details Navigated to edit product page The form appeared with the existing details displayed
Required Name field Submitting the form without a Name returns error Clicked Update Product with Name field blank Required field message appears
Required Description field Submitting the form without a Description returns error Clicked Update Product with Description field blank Required field message appears
Required Price field Submitting the form without a Price returns error Clicked Update Product with Price field blank Required field message appears
SKU and Image not required fields Submitting the form without a SKU or Image is allowed Clicked Update Product with SKU and Image fields blank Form is submitted
Update Product Adds the updated product details to the website and redirect to the product detail page Clicked Update Product The product is updated and the product detail page opens
Cancel Cancels the edit product process and redirects to the shopping/products page Clicked Cancel Process cancelled and the shopping page opened

Sign In Form

Fig. Sign In Form Screenshot of the website's sign in form

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Required username or email field Submitting the form without a username or password returns error Clicked sign in in with username or email field blank Required field message appears
Required password field Submitting the form without a password returns error Clicked sign in with password field blank Required field message appears
Username or email Submitting the form with an incorrect username or email returns an error message Clicked sign in with an incorrect username/email Incorrect username/password message appears
Password Submitting the form with an incorrect password returns an error message Clicked sign in with an incorrect password Incorrect username/password message appears
Sign In Button Clicking button will lead to the home page Clicked Sign In Home Page opened
Sign Up! Link Clicking the link leads to the Sign Up page Clicked link Sign Up page opens
Forgot Password? link Clicking the link leads to the Forgot Password page Clicked link Forgot password page opens

Sign Up Form

Fig. Sign Up Form Screenshot of the website's sign up form

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Required email 1 field Submitting the form without an email 1 returns error Clicked sign up with email 1 field blank Required field message appears
Required email 2 field Submitting the form without an email 2 returns error Clicked sign up with email 2 field blank Required field message appears
Email Submitting the form with email 1 and email 2 fields not matching returns an error message Clicked sign up with email fields not matching You must type the same email each time error message appears
Required username field Submitting the form without a username returns error Clicked sign up with username field blank Required field message appears
Required password 1 field Submitting the form without a password 1 returns error Clicked sign up with password 1 field blank Required field message appears
Required password 2 field Submitting the form without a password 2 returns error Clicked sign up with password 2 field blank Required field message appears
Username Submitting the form with an existing username returns an error message Clicked sign up with an existing username Username exists error message appears
Password Submitting the form with password 1 and password 2 fields not matching returns an error message Clicked sign up with password fields not matching You must type the same password each time error message appears
Sign Up Button Clicking button will add user to the database Clicked Sign Up button User added to database
Sign In Link Clicking the link leads to the Sign In page Clicked link Sign In page opens

Password Reset Form

Fig. Password Reset Form Screenshot of the website's password reset form

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Required email field Submitting the form without an email returns error Clicked Reset My Password with email field blank Required field message appears
Email Submitting the form with an entry, not in an email address format returns an error Clicked Reset My Password with Email field containing no @ Email error message appears
Reset My Password button Clicking the button sends an email to the address provided and redirects to an email confirmation page Clicked button Email sent (see below) and confirmation message appears
Email Reset Password Link Clicking Email Link opens Change Password Form Clicked Link Change password Form opened
Change Password Form - Required email 1 field Submitting the form without an email 1 returns error Clicked changed password with email 1 field blank Required field message appears
Change Password Form - Required email 2 field Submitting the form without an email 2 returns error Clicked change password with email 2 field blank Required field message appears
Change Password Form - Password Submitting the form with password 1 and password 2 fields not matching returns an error message Clicked change password with password fields not matching You must type the same password each time error message appears
Change Password button Clicking the change password button updates the user password Clicked change password User password updated
Fig. Password Reset Email Screenshot of the password reset email

Sign Out Page

Fig. Sign Out Page Screenshot of the website's sign out page

This feature has certain requirements tested as follows:

Feature/Operation Expect Action Result
Back Button Clicking this button takes the user to the home page Clicked Back button The home page opened
Sign Out Button Clicking this button signs out the user and returns to the home page with a sign out confirmation message Clicked Sign Out button Signed out the user and returned to the home page with a sign out confirmation message

14.2.3 Automated Testing

Given the time constraints for the completion of this project and the extensive manual testing already undertaken, a full suite of automated tests for the entire project was not completed. Instead it was decided to undertake a sample set of tests. To achieve this it was considered best to focus on a single app within the project and to choose one of the apps created to contain a custom model as defined in the project requirements. Based on this approach it was decided to test the contact app.

Automated testing of python code in the views.py, models.py and forms.py files of the contact app was carried out using Django's inbuilt unittest framework.

The results of 11 tests successfully carried out is as follows:

Tests Run OK

Screenshot showing the results of django unittest python testing

The tests provide 100% coverage of the models.py and forms.py files and 96% coverage of the views.py file. The result is an overall coverage of 99% for the app.


Screenshot showing the coverage for django unittest python testing

14.3 Fixed Bugs

  1. The hero image disappeared at 768px before the full width simpler header for mobile became active leaving a blank space in the header.

Solution: The media query that causes the hero image to disappear on smaller screens was adjusted to commence at 767px wide and down, leading to a smooth transition from the smaller screen layout to the wider screen layout.

This bug was raised as a PBI within the agile design process. Further information on the bug and solution can be found here.

  1. The running total in the navbar for the cart showed as €10 when the cart was empty.

Solution: The cause of the error was in the calculation of the delivery charge. As the delivery charge applies to totals of less than €30, and €0 is less than €30, the delivery charge is what was appearing in the running total. This was solved by the addition of an if statement to the calculation, setting the delivery charge to 0 when the cart total is 0.

This bug was raised as a PBI within the agile design process. Further information on the bug and solution can be found here.

  1. An error occurred in the rendering of the product templates when a new product was uploaded without an image.

Solution: A default image was added to the media file and appropriate if statements were added to the templates so that the default "no image" image is used if a product image does not exist.

  1. An error occured in the shopping cart when rendering the template.

Solution: This error was caused by an incorrect reference to a context variable for the image. product.image had to be replaced with the correct variable item.product.image.

  1. An error occured rendering images using the MEDIA_URL context variable.

Solution: The django.template.context_processors.media context processor was added in the settings.py file.

  1. An error occurred when rendering the product detail page if no user was logged in due to a context variable current_user_comments being passed for the rendering of the current users comments.

Solution: The view was changed to initially set this variable to None and then by means of an if statement update it if a user is authenticated. The exact use of the current_user_comments variable was later changed due to a change to the product detail page layout but it is still passed and used in the template.

  1. An error occurred where the checkout form was adding the order to the database but was not sending the payment to be processed by stripe.

Solution: When styling the payment form an error occurred when the form was unintentionally given a second id. The javascript that ran the payment process relied on the first correct id but this was made redundant by the second. The incorrect id was removed, the styling updated to use the correct id and this allowed the javascript and therefore the payment system to work correctly.

14.4 Supported Screens and Browsers

14.4.1 Supported Screens (Responsiveness)

The site responsiveness has been tested using Chrome Developer Tools and has been found to be responsive across a range of device screen sizes as follow:

Galaxy Fold - Page Examples

Home Page:

Screenshot of the home page on a galaxy fold mobile phone in dev tools

Shopping/Products Page:

Screenshot of the shopping products page on a galaxy fold mobile phone in dev tools

Product Detail Page Page:

Screenshot of the product detail page on a galaxy fold mobile phone in dev tools

Shoopping Cart Page:

Screenshot of the shopping cart page on a galaxy fold mobile phone in dev tools

My Profile Page:

Screenshot of the my profile page on a galaxy fold mobile phone in dev tools

iPad Mini - Page Examples

Home Page:

Screenshot of the home page on an iPad Mini in dev tools

Shopping/Products Page:

Screenshot of the shopping products page on an iPad Mini in dev tools

Product Detail Page:

Screenshot of the product detail page on an iPad Mini in dev tools

Shopping Cart Page:

Screenshot of the shopping cart page on an iPad Mini in dev tools

My Profile Page:

Screenshot of the my profile page on an iPad Mini in dev tools

In addition to these examples all other site pages have been tested on these devices. Furthermore the site responsiveness has also been tested on the following devices in Chrome Developer Tools and was found to be good:

Finally the amiresposive website generates the following screen examples for the home page:

Screenshot of the home page on the am i responsive website

10.4.2 Supported Browsers

The website was tested in the following browsers:

Google Chrome

Screenshot of the home page in Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Screenshot of the home page in Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Screenshot of the home page in Mozilla Firefox

Browser Compatibility

Test Chrome Edge Firefox
Intended Appearance Good Good Good
Intended Responsiveness Good Good Good

14.5 Accessibility and Performance

Lighthouse was used to assess accessibility and performance. The results were found to be acceptable as follows:

Home Page:

Screenshot of the lighthouse results for the home page

The Shopping/Products Page contains the most content and was also tested as follows:

Screenshot of the lighthouse results for the products page

15. Deployment

15.1 via GitHub

  1. The Code Institute project template was accessed on GitHub at https://github.com/Code-Institute-Org/gitpod-full-template and the Use this Template button clicked to create a project-specific repository.

  2. All files and documents pushed from Gitpod appear in the repository.

15.2 via Gitpod

The site was developed in Gitpod as follows:

  1. From the GitHub repository created for the project the Gitpod button installed as a chrome browser extension was clicked. A Gitpod workspace was created.

  2. A Django Project was created.

  3. Initial Migrations were made and the local sqlite database created.

  4. To view project progress during development the command python3 manage.py runserver was entered in the IDE terminal.

  5. Required secret keys for django and stripe etc. are stored in an env.py file.

  6. The env.py file is added to the .gitignore file to ensure that information to be kept secure is not made public.

  7. At regular appropriate intervals the latest version of the code was saved via the git add and git commit commands. Appropriate commit messages were added to control the revisions.

  8. The git push command was used to push all committed code and documentation to the repository for secure storage.

15.3 via Stripe

  1. The payment system is implemented using stripe.

  2. A stripe account is created and stripe development mode keys are copied to the env.py file and added to the Heroku convig vars when deploying the production version.

  3. Stripe Elements are used to create a payment input on the checkout form.

  4. Stripe procedures are implemented via recommended code in the checkout views.py file and the javascript strip_elements.js file to handle the payment.

  5. A webhook file and webhook handler file are used to recognise and handle stripe webhooks such as payment.success. These are used to confirm payment and add redundancy for the storing of orders following successful payments.

  6. The URL for the webhook handler is added to the stripe webhook settings via the stripe dashboard. The URLs for both the development and production versions are added.

  7. When testing payments the Stripe Events Log in the Developers section can be viewed to see if the payment was successfully processed.

15.4 via AWS

  1. For the production version AWS storage is used to store static files and media files.

  2. An AWS bucket is created as a space to store the required files.

  3. A user group, user and policy are created to control permissions.

  4. The settings.py file is updated with AWS settings to use in the production version while maintaining local settings for the development version by using an if statement to look for "USE_AWS" in the environment. "USE_AWS" is added as a config var in Heroku.

  5. Static files are transferred to the AWS storage from the local version every time a new build is carried out in Heroku via the collectstatic command.

  6. Media files are transferred manually via the AWS dashboard.

15.5 via Elephant SQL

  1. A project is created in Elephant SQL.

  2. The project URL is copied and stored in the Heroku config vars as DATABASE_URL

  3. The settings.py file is updated to include settings for this remote database to be used with the production version of the project. An if statement to look for DATABASE_URL in the environment allows these settings to be used in production while maintaining the local database set up for the development version.

  4. The DATABASE_URL is temporarily added to the env.py file and the python3 manage.py migrate command is used to set up the remote database. The DATABASE_URL is then removed from the env.py file to allow development to continue with the local database. If further development leads to database structure changes this step must be repeated to ensure these changes are implemented in the production version of the project.

15.6 via Heroku

  1. Before deployment to Heroku, the settings.py file is updated to ensure that in the production version debug is set to False. This is achieved by means of an if statement set to look for the variable DEVELOPMENT in the environment. This variable is added to env.py only so as to ensure the correct DEBUG setting in both development and production versions.

  2. Prior to deployment to Heroku, the requirements.txt file is updated by typing the command pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt to the terminal and following this all outstanding commits are pushed to the GitHub repository.

  3. In Heroku a new project is created to host the application.

  4. Within this project in the settings section the Config Vars area is updated by adding variables contained locally in the env.py file as well as the URLs for the database and the AWS storage. This includes the django secret key and stripe keys.

  5. In addition a key named PORT is created and it is given the value 8000.

  6. In the Deploy section the option to connect to GitHub is chosen, the repository name is found and clicked on.

  7. The option to deploy from the main branch is chosen and the project is deployed. This may take a few moments.

  8. Once deployed a button linking to the site is provided. When clicked it leads to the deployed application and the page address can be copied and provided as a link to the site/application.

  9. The live site/application can be accessed here

16. References and Credits

16.1 References

16.2 Credits