fering3 / MMM-JEOPARDY-Enhanced

MIT License
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Spanning more than 40 years, the widely popular game show comes to your Magic Mirror. With more than 156,800 clues and answers from the show.

Based on MMM-JEOPARDY by mkyle1, but styled to look like Jeopardy clues.

How it works

Just like the show, you are presented with a category and a value for the clue in that category. The clue is given. You have a specified amount of time to respond before the answer appears. Then it's on to the next category and clue. Fast pace. Challenging. Educational. Fun!




Config.js entry and options

    module: 'MMM-JEOPARDY',
    position: 'top_left',                  // Works well anywhere
    config: { 
        useHeader: false,              // true if you want a header
            header: "This is Jeopardy!",   // Any text you want
        maxWidth: "250px",             // Stretch or constrain according to region
        animationSpeed: 3000,          // New clue fades in and out

Special thanks to SpaceCowboysDude