MCR02 (a VME crate) is unable to communicate w/ the MI BPM chassis olibpm8d. MCR02 can communicate w/ the other MI BPM servers (ibpm8avc, ibpm8bvc, ibpm8cvc) but not ibpm8cvd.
MCR02 uses the DAWN (UDP) protocol for communications w/ the MI BPM servers. MCR02 uses local port 99 to send UDP packets to each of the servers in the configuration file.
Removing the password requirement on olibpm8d and setting up the UDP config on olibpm8d to point to MCR02 port 99 seemed to allow communications between the servers.
MCR02 (a VME crate) is unable to communicate w/ the MI BPM chassis olibpm8d. MCR02 can communicate w/ the other MI BPM servers (ibpm8avc, ibpm8bvc, ibpm8cvc) but not ibpm8cvd.
MCR02 uses the DAWN (UDP) protocol for communications w/ the MI BPM servers. MCR02 uses local port 99 to send UDP packets to each of the servers in the configuration file.