fermi-ad / controls

Central repo for reporting bugs, making feature requests, managing RFCs, and requesting seminar topics.
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Fermilab Accelerator Controls

Welcome to the Fermilab Accelerator Controls Repository! This central repository is a hub for reporting bugs, making feature requests, managing RFCs (Request for Comments), and requesting seminar topics related to control system functions within Fermilab's accelerator complex.

Bug reports

You can report bugs using the form in the issues tab.

Feature requests

Feature requests should be made to the relevant repo. If you don't know where to post, please ask in Slack #general.

Request for Comments (RFC)

If you have a substantial change request, an RFC might be the way to go; please see our contribution documentation and our RFC guidance.

Request seminar topics

You can request a topic to be covered in the Controls Seminar in the issues tab.

See the inaugural two-day Control Seminar here: https://beamdocs.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/sso/DisplayMeeting?conferenceid=276.