fesksa / bootstrap-calendars

Datetime picker for bootstrap with support to various calendars, including: Gregorian, Julian, Taiwanese, Thai, Persian, Islamic, Umm al-Qura, Hebrew, Ethiopian, Coptic, Nepali, and Mayan.
MIT License
9 stars 3 forks source link

Show/Hide Decades (hijri ummalqura calendar) #1

Open MoAsmar opened 8 years ago

MoAsmar commented 8 years ago


Thank you for this awesome calendar. I just have one issue: I am using ummalqura calendar and I want to hide or disable decades option, when I click on the month > then year > then decades, it loads the decades with gregorian years (2017-2024 , ...) I want to display hijri decades or just hide or diable decades option.

Please help,

Thank you

fesksa commented 8 years ago

The decades is a bootstrap-datetimepicker issue. Considering that this script is only an interface, I chose to leave the decades option as it is for for the sake of keeping the dependencies intact. Otherwise, it would be more reasonable to fork bootstrap-datetimepicker or create something similar instead of implementing an interface.

Zeeshan786543 commented 6 years ago

Hi, could some one plz help me out.I need only the date not date&time.and the format,autoclose are also not working with locale.Your quick response would be highly appreciated.Thanks in Advance.

ajmalcs commented 6 years ago

// Umm ALqura Calendar $('#div').datetimepicker({ format: 'DD/MM/YYYY', locale: {calender: 'ummalqura', lang: 'ar'} }).on('dp.show dp.update', function () { $(".datepicker-years .picker-switch").removeAttr('title') .css('cursor', 'default') .css('background', 'inherit') .on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); });

this will disable the decades view.