fesksa / bootstrap-calendars

Datetime picker for bootstrap with support to various calendars, including: Gregorian, Julian, Taiwanese, Thai, Persian, Islamic, Umm al-Qura, Hebrew, Ethiopian, Coptic, Nepali, and Mayan.
MIT License
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Bootstrap Calendars

If you are looking for a non-Gregorian calendar for bootstrap and you like bootstrap-datetimepicker then you are in the right place. This script provides an interface to link bootstrap-datetimepicker with jQuery Calendars.


  1. Include jQuery, jQuery Calendars, any specific calendar, this interface, then bootstrap-datetimepicker.
  2. Attach datetimepicker to an input. Relevent instructions available on bootstrap-datetimepicker page.
  3. Specific calendars must be indicated by passing a parameter, as the following:

$('#datetimepicker').datetimepicker( {locale: {calender: 'ummalqura', lang: 'ar'} });

The name of the calendar, "ummalqura" in this example, should match the definition of the calendar. Refer to this page for additional information regarding the supported calendars and their names. The lang parameter, "ar" in this example, is optional.


A demo file is included inside demo directory.