feulo-cit / My-Sample-API

Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

My Application URL

- https://api-service-brunobotelhobr.cloud.okteto.net/

Local Environment

Run it Locally

npm install
node index.js

Build an Image

docker image build -t my-sample-api:1.0 .

Run Your Image

docker run -p 8080:8080 my-sample-api:1.0

Deploy using GitHub Actions

- We will store the image on docker hub.
- We run the application usng a free tier account on Okteto (https://www.okteto.com/) You can create an acount an deploy some workload on the freetier, it will run for 24 hours.
    - More details on: https://www.okteto.com/pricing/

To use this pipeline, you will need a free acount on DockerHUb and on Okteto.


On your Repository, set the following secrets:

    secrets.DOCKERHUB_LOGIN         # Your DockerHUB Login
    secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASS          # Your DockerHUB Password
    secrets.OKTETO_API_KEY          # Your Oketeto API Key

On the file .github/workflows/main.yaml

Set your repository name for image hosting (Mys are brunobotelhobr for exmaple)
    tags: |
            brunobotelhobr/api_conversao:${{ github.run_number }}

With this you should be able to Go.


- Deploy the aplication with CI/CD

- Scan it with Horussec Locally
- Include Horusec on CI/CD
- Fix the vulenrabilities or create expections, so you deployment can move forward.

- Scan it with Trivy Locally
- Include Trivy on CI/CD
    - For Images
    - For IAC
    - For App imports
- Fix the vulenrabilities or create expections, so you deployment can move forward.

- Scan it with ZAP Locally
- Include ZAP on CI/CD
- Fix the vulenrabilities or create expections, so you deployment can move forward.