A gluon compatible status script for respondd in python.
apt-get install python3-netifaces ethtool lsb-release
Start parameter for ext-respondd.
Copy config.json.example
to config.json
and change it to match your server configuration.
/ default: ff05::2:1001
/ default: 1001
/ default: bat0
/ default: br-client
/ default: 30
/ default: 10
Aliases to overwrite the returned server data.
Copy alias.json.example
to alias.json
and input e.g. owner information.
The JSON content matches one block of the nodes.json, which is outputted by e.g. the HopGlass-Server.
Register ext-respondd as a systemd service
cp ext-respondd.service.example /lib/systemd/system/ext-respondd.service
# modify the path inside of the ext-respondd.service if necessary
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable ext-respondd
systemctl start ext-respondd
Collecting data from respondd:
Respondd for servers: