fgenie / rims_minimal

Been lazy enough to pull over again to the end!
0 stars 1 forks source link

RIMS (Reflective Hint Model Selection)

How to Contribute

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

experiment scripts

commands in brief

# first, run simple-greeedy
python run_inference.py  baseline_inference \
                --backbone chatgpt1106 \
                --gsm_jslf ../dataset/ocw/ocw_course.jsonl \
                --dataset_type ocw

# 2nd, run rims on the result of simple-greedy
python run_inference.py rims_inference \
    --backbone chatgpt1106 \
    --gsm_jslf ${MATH_INFERRED} \
    --dataset_type math \
    --prompt_f ${PROMPT}

# 3rd, evaluate the target directories with wildcard expression
python run_evaluation_new.py --ptn "outputs/MATH-full_dt.math/chatgpt1106/*/*jsonl" --eval_type math --outf math1106_results.txt