fgsfdsfgs / doukutsupsx

port of Cave Story to the PlayStation, based on CSE2
96 stars 3 forks source link

do you accept this rom to be in cavestory.org #8

Closed dananothername closed 1 year ago

dananothername commented 1 year ago

hi fgsfdsfgs is this your nick name or can you past a better one anyway it will be cool if this rom on the site

fgsfdsfgs commented 1 year ago

You can put this up on cavestory.org if you want. You can use fgsfds for the nickname.

dananothername commented 1 year ago

one more question is this for ps1 or 2

fgsfdsfgs commented 1 year ago

This is for the PS1.

dananothername commented 1 year ago

i just TASed it to see how it runs frame by frame https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zrQ8G3Ig9so bugs that i found in test 6: -quote can't do multi-tasks i had to release the jump key to fire like it acept only 3 input per frame unlike the freeware where you can jump,fire,change wepon ,open menu,hold right up and down all in one frame -it takes a lot of time to change the rooms

fgsfdsfgs commented 1 year ago

There shouldn't be anything preventing more than 3 inputs to be accepted per frame. The game times its frames based on a 100Hz root counter. Every 2 ticks it reads inputs, processes a frame and renders it. In 60Hz NTSC it will not match the vblank rate, so it might cause some weird shit to happen.