fi-ksi / web-backend

Backend for KSI web written in Python.
MIT License
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backend ksi-web python

Backend for KSI web

Running with docker

The backend can be run inside a docker container for testing purposes. To build and start backend with database to be stored in your ~/ksi-be execute ./.docker/ --run ~/ksi-db ~/ksi-data. Already built docker images can be started by running ./.docker/ ~/ksi-db ~/ksi-data or docker start -i ksi-be if it was started at least one time before.

Though most of the API works out-of-the box, it is possible that you will run into unexpected errors. If so, please create Issue with report and reproduction steps.

Software needed


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run
  3. Install virtualenv & packages into ksi-py3-venv directory.
    virtualenv -p python3 ksi-py3-venv
    source ksi-py3-venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Enter db url into file. Format is the same as specified in
  5. Uncomment part of the, which creates database structure.
  6. Run the server, comment the database-create-section in
  7. Install isolate with box directory /tmp/box.
  8. Bind-mount /etc directory to /opt/etc (this is required for sandbox to work):
     $ mount --bind /etc /opt/etc

    Do not forget to add it to /etc/fstab.

  9. Optional: make /tmp tmpfs.
  10. Optional: ensure the server will be started after system boots up (run ./runner start).

Server control