fiatjaf / nocomment

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webpage owner should have control #19

Open rocky-III opened 1 year ago

rocky-III commented 1 year ago

right now the script generates automatically a nostr identity/keys over which the webpage owner has no control. It would be more interesting if the a webpage owner could create this identity/keys by himself and build the widget with it.

fiatjaf commented 1 year ago

I agree, but this is not really an issue. This widget is a proof-of-concept waiting for someone else more capable and with more time to implement something better.

rocky-III commented 1 year ago

well take it as a feature request... but actually I think it is a big issue. I liked the concept first and implemented the widget as a try on my HP - but now i think I may better deactivate it quid soon again while i have absolutely no control over what is posted with reference to my HP address - Is there a way to delete the automatic created account on with my HP address ?