fiatjaf / nocomment

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A Nostr-powered embeddable website comments widget that just works.

Usage as an embeddable script

Anywhere in your website you want to see the comment box, include

<script src="" id="nocomment"></script>

You can pass special attributes to that <script> tag, such as

Custom CSS variables for styling:

--nc-background: #003049;
--nc-container-font-family: arial;
--nc-container-font-size: 1.2em;
--nc-comment-author-font-size: 1.2em;
--nc-comment-author-font-family: monospace;
--nc-comment-author-font-color: inherit;
--nc-comment-date-color: inherit;
--nc-comment-date-font-family: sans-serif;
--nc-comment-date-font-size: 0.7em;
--nc-link-text-decor: none;
--nc-link-text-decor-hover: underline;
--nc-textarea-font-family: inherit;
--nc-textarea-font-size: inherit;
--nc-text-background: #dddddd;
--nc-text-color: #eae2b7;
--nc-text-color-dark: #fcbf49;
--nc-primary-color: #fcbf49;
--nc-primary-contrast: #003049;

Usage as a React component

  1. yarn add react-nocomment
  2. Don't create an account anywhere.
  3. Don't configure a database.
  4. It just works. The URL is the identifier.
import { NoComment } from 'nocomment'

function App() {
  return (
      <NoComment relays={[
      ]} />


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