fiberx / fiber

Source-binary patch presence test system.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Source-binary patch presence test system. Given a target software binary (Android kernel image) and a security patch (in source), Fiber can check if the patch has been applied in the target binary.

The design, implementation, and more details of fiber can be found in our research paper:

Hang Zhang and Zhiyun Qian. "Precise and accurate patch presence test for binaries." USENIX Security 2018.


Surprisingly often, open source components get integrated into larger software and eventually released in binary forms only. Take Linux as an example: IoT devices, cars, voting machines, and Android smartphones all use some derived version of Linux kernel (possibly customized). Unfortunately, as end users or independent researchers, we don't get access to the source code. Yes, Android device vendors (e.g., Samsung, Xiaomi) do not necessarily release the complete kernel source history (no individual commit is given) and most OTA updates do not come with corresponding source code. This makes it hard to check if any security patch has been applied. Another example, car manufacturers often take binaries from third-parties (infotainment system) who in turn integrate other open source components. Car manufacturers may want to ensure the security of these binaries but again don't have access to source code. This is what Fiber is designed for.

Key insight

Checking the presence of a patch in binary is inherently challenging because the patch can be small (affecting only few instructions) which can be burried/obscured by other non-security updates to the codebase afterwards. Compiler configs also drastically influence the compiled binary instructions. Our insight is that if the patch source is available (which is the case for open source software such as Linux), then we can take advantage of it to extract a proper signature based on how control and data flow are perturbed because of the patch.

0x0 A Simple Workflow

We will briefly explain fiber's workflow here with the examples under examples folder. Basically, we prepared some security patches under examples/patches folder, our reference kernel examples/imgs/angler_img_20170513 adopts all these patches but examples/imgs/angler_img_20160513 does not. We then generate binary signatures (stored in examples/sigs) for these patches and then use them to test the patch presence for the target kernel (examples/imgs/image-G9300-160909, Samsung S7 kernel released in 2016/09/09). The test result can be found in examples/match_res_image-G9300-160909_1528162862_m1 where P means the related patch has been adopted and N otherwise.

Step 0
Use the picker (section 0x2) to analyze the patches and the reference source code in order to pick out most suitable change sites introduced by the patch. Our reference kernel source code (patched) is kernel-msm-src with commit cedc139f61870d3f4f8a80f9030b0836b56e2204.

Step 1
Translate each change site identified by the picker to a binary signature with the translator (section 0x3).

Step 2
Validate the generated binary signatures by trying to match them in both reference unpatched and patched kernels. This can be done with the matcher in mode 0 (section 0x4). The mode 0 matching result can then be analyzed by "res_analyzer" (section 5.2), who will generate the mode 1 matching list (section 0x4) that is required for the real patch presence test for target kernels. If for a specific patch there are no valid binary signatures (see section 5.2), we need to re-start from step 0 to pick more change sites or even manually specify some change sites.

Step 3
Use the valid binary signatures to do patch presence test for the target kernels with the matcher's mode 1. (section 0x4)

0x1 Environment Setup

At first we need to install virtualenvwrapper for python, please follow the official installation instructions. Before continuing, plz make sure that virtualenvwrapper is correctly installed and you can execute its commands:
~$ workon
NOTE, plz don't use sudo from here on unless explicitly prompted.
~$ git clone
~$ cd fiber
Setup the angr development environment specifically crafted for fiber:
~/fiber$ ./ [dir_name] [venv_name]

NOTE, should you be prompted to enter username/password for GitHub accounts during the execution of above script, plz simply ignore that and just type "Enter".
It's time to install some required packages in the virtual env:
~/fiber$ workon [venv_name]
(venv_name)~/fiber$ ./
Now you are ready to use fiber scripts.
As a test, you can run below command to see whether the signature can be shown w/o issues:
(venv_name)~/fiber$ python examples/sigs/CVE-2016-3866-sig-0

Before running any fiber scripts, remember to switch the virtual environment at first:
workon [venv_name]
To exit the virtual environment:

0x2 Picker

(venv_name)~/fiber$ python [patch_list] [reference kernel source] [output_file] [symbol_table,...]


Besides the output_file which stores the change site information, if necessary, the picker will generate another file output_file_fail which records the patches for which the picker fails to identify any suitable change sites. The possible reasons include: (1) the picker cannot match/locate the patch in the reference kernel source (2) the function changed by the patch cannot be found in the symbol tables (in this case the function will be inlined in the binary, currently we are unable to locate an inlined function in the binary.) (3) the patch has no suitable change sites to translate (eg. only change some variable definitions.) (4) fiber's own issues when doing the signature matching.

0x3 Translator

(venv_name)~/fiber$ python [ref_kernel_image] [ref_kernel_symbol_table] [ref_kernel_vmlinux] [ext_list] [output_dir]


Besides the generated signatures. The translator will also generate a ext_res_[image]_[timestamp] file containing the time spent to generate each signature. (eg. examples/ext_res_angler_img_20170513_1528151764)

The translator needs to use addr2line to read DWARF debug information, whose path is currently hardcoded in (ADDR2LINE = '/path/to/addr2line'), plz make it right before executing this script.

0x4 Matcher

(venv_name)~/fiber$ python [target_kernel_image] [target_kernel_symbol_table] [signature_list]


The matcher will output the results to both the screen and an automatically generated file match_res_[image]_[timestamp]. As mentioned, different formats of signature_list will result in different outputs. If we are in mode 0 (binary signature validation), its outputs for unpatched and patched reference kernels (eg. examples/match_res_angler_img_20160513_1528152449_m0 and examples/match_res_angler_img_20170513_1528152555_m0) can then be fed to res_analyzer (see section 5.2) which will then generate the mode 1 signature list (eg. examples/sig_list_1) that can be used to test real target kernels.

0x5 Auxilary Tools

5.1 tools/ext_sym

To extract the embedded symbol table from a kernel zImage.
~/fiber$ tools/ext_sym [image] [idc](optional) > output

5.2 tools/

Analyze the binary signature validation results and generate the signature_list that can be used to test real target kernels.
~/fiber$ python tools/ [mode 0 match result for patched reference kernel] [mode 0 match result for unpatched reference kernel] > output

As mentioned in section 0x4, the parameters are match results generated by the matcher in mode 0 (eg. examples/match_res_angler_img_20160513_1528152449_m0 and examples/match_res_angler_img_20170513_1528152555_m0).

A mode 1 signature list (as explained in section 0x4) will be generated. You need to check this file before using it with the matcher, if some lines in this file have a prefix '#', that means for that patch, all its signatures cannot differentiate the patched and unpatched reference kernels. In this case, you should use the picker to generate more candidate change sites, translating them to binary signatures and then validate them again. In the worst case, you can also manually inspect the patch and specify the change sites and related options manually.


To view a binary signature.
(venv_name)~/fiber$ python [bin_sig]

The strcuture, node, root instructions and formulas of the signature will be shown on the screen.