fideloper / CI-Mandrill

A Codeigniter library for the Mandrill email platform
MIT License
50 stars 29 forks source link


A Codeigniter library for using Mandrill's super-fine API.

See Mandrill's help docs.

I use this library with Mailman.


Add the config/mandrill.php file into your application/config directory. Optionally add that config to config/autoload.php so you do not need to do so manually.

Add the library/Mandrill.php file into your application/libraries directory.


//In some controller, far far away



$mandrill_ready = NULL;

try {

    $this->mandrill->init( $this->CI->config->item('mandrill_api_key') );
    $mandrill_ready = TRUE;

} catch(Mandrill_Exception $e) {

    $mandrill_ready = FALSE;


if( $mandrill_ready ) {

    //Send us some email!
    $email = array(
        'html' => '<p>This is my message<p>', //Consider using a view file
        'text' => 'This is my plaintext message',
        'subject' => 'This is my subject',
        'from_email' => '',
        'from_name' => 'Me-Oh-My',
        'to' => array(array('email' => '' )) //Check documentation for more details on this one
        //'to' => array(array('email' => '' ),array('email' => '' )) //for multiple emails

    $result = $this->mandrill->messages_send($email);
