fieldsoftheworld / ftw-datasets-list

Description of FTW dataset and list of field boundary datasets it includes
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Version : v1.0.0


Fields of The World (FTW) is a comprehensive benchmark dataset designed to enhance the development of machine learning models for instance segmentation of agricultural field boundaries. This dataset aims to meet the growing need for accurate and scalable field boundary data for global agricultural monitoring and assessments.

Key Features:

  1. Near-Global Coverage: FTW spans four continents—Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America—covering diverse agricultural landscapes across 24 countries. This extensive geographic coverage allows for the development of models that can generalize well to different agricultural practices and field types.

  2. Large-Scale Dataset: With approximately 1.6 million parcel boundaries and over 70,000 samples, FTW is significantly larger than previously available datasets. Each sample includes instance and semantic segmentation masks paired with multi-date, multi-spectral Sentinel-2 satellite images, enabling detailed temporal and spectral analysis.

  3. Multi-class Segmentation: The dataset provides masks for both instance segmentation and semantic segmentation with different classes, including:

    • Instance Segmentation Masks: To identify individual fields.
    • Semantic Segmentation Masks:
      • Two-class masks: Background and polygon (field).
      • Three-class masks: Background, polygon (field), and boundaries.
  4. Spectral Richness: The dataset includes RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and NIR (Near-Infrared) spectral bands from Sentinel-2 images.

  5. Temporal Richness: The dataset includes multi-date imagery to capture different stages of the growing season. Two images with distinct contrast differences were selected to represent these stages. To determine the date ranges for these images, the USDA Crop Calendar was initially referenced and then refined by selecting periods with minimal cloud cover and optimal contrast between the two images.

  6. Comprehensive Data Splits: The dataset is carefully divided into training, validation, and test sets to ensure accurate evaluation of model performance. For each country, larger tiles are divided into smaller chips measuring 1536x1536 m². To prevent data leakage due to spatial autocorrelation, a blocked random splitting strategy is used. Chips are grouped into 3×3 blocks, with 80% allocated to training, 10% to validation, and 10% to testing.

  7. Metadata and Documentation: The metadata and documentation provide crucial information to help users effectively interpret and utilize the dataset. It includes key details about the country of focus, temporal data collection windows, grid structures, and the year of collection.

    1. Country: The geographic region the dataset focuses on.
    2. Crop Types: Crop types used to filter the polygons in the dataset, with specific keywords used for filtering.
    3. Seasons: Date ranges defining the temporal windows for data collection.
    4. Year of Collection: The year when the polygon boundaries were captured.
    5. Grids: Larger grids from which smaller chips are derived, with some grids spatially separated to optimize area coverage.

Dataset Directory Structure

Fields of The World
├──                      -> This File
├── austria                        -> Country Folder
│   ├── label_masks                -> Labels Folder
│   │   ├── instance               -> Instance Segmented Masks (Label) (Masks in .tif Format)
│   │   ├── semantic_2class        -> Semantic Segmented Masks (Label) (Masks in .tif Format) -> Contains 2 Classes (0-Background, 1-Polygon)
│   │   └── semantic_3class        -> Semantic Segmented Masks (Label) (Masks in .tif Format) -> Contains 3 Classes (0-Background, 1-Polygon, 2-Boundaries)
│   ├── s2_images                  -> Images Folder (Contains image chips)
│   │   ├── window_a               -> Window A images (Images in .tif Format)
│   │   └── window_b               -> Window B images (Images in .tif Format)
│   ├── chips_austria.parquet      -> Chips file in geoparquet format, contains split details (Each chips belongs in one of Train/Val/Test split)
│   └── data_config_austria.json   -> Contains meta data about the bigger grids for the dataset, crop types, dates for temporal windows.
├──                    -> Country Zip Folder, this contains all the files in the country directory.
└── checksum.md5                   -> Checksum MD5 file containing all the individual files checksum hashes. 
..... Continues for all the countries in the same format.

Dataset Information

Country Year of Validity Parcel Counts Chips Train Split Validation Split Test Split Source Polygons
Austria 2021 196101 6686 5304 637 745 Link
Belgium 2021 63431 1941 1554 189 198 Link
Brazil 2020 1854 1607 1289 130 188 Link
Cambodia 2021 318088 344 274 36 34 Link
Corsica 2021 5360 2472 1974 240 258 Link
Croatia 2023 157481 3482 2778 351 353 Link
Denmark 2021 37677 3560 2868 360 332 Link
Estonia 2021 26695 6713 5348 681 684 Link
Finland 2021 57323 5665 4527 550 588 Link
France 2020 55342 3744 2988 360 396 Link
Germany 2018/2019 4598 686 306 30 350 Link
India 2016 10013 2002* 1281 300 399 Link
Kenya 2022 874 391 316 20 55 Link
Latvia 2021 44964 6938 5529 668 741 Link
Lithuania 2021 61424 5258 4208 522 528 Link
Luxembourg 2022 29018 808 643 81 84 Link
Netherlands 2022 43169 3879 3110 381 388 Link
Portugal 2021 5040 86 64 12 10 Link
Rwanda 2021 1532 70 57 6 7 Link
Slovakia 2021 14242 4073 3275 390 408 Link
Slovenia 2021 67488 2177 1733 216 228 Link
South Africa 2018 6568 747 590 72 85 Link
Spain 2020 258465 2440 2019 202 219 Link
Sweden 2021 39718 4760 3802 442 516 Link
Vietnam 2021 120913 288 229 36 23 Link

*India has a total of 2,002 chips available. Of these, 22 chips are marked as 'none' for the split column as per the original data curator. Thus, 1,980 chips have been used in the train/validation/test splits in India.