fiffu / arisa2

Very soft Discord bot
5 stars 5 forks source link


Arisa is a Discord bot built on Python with

arisa2 is a major rewrite of the original Arisa bot, after major breaking changes came in as graduated to v1.0.


Arisa is designed to run for free on Heroku, with the PostgreSQL addon. We use aiopg database bindings, essentially an async wrapper over psycopg2.

Alternatively, Arisa also runs on Docker using the provided Dockerfile. Efforts to convert this into a docker-compose file with attached PostgreSQL DB are ongoing.

Arisa's business logic is implemented with modular cogs, which are loaded selectively at startup. As the use-case is for a guild playing multiple flavour-of-the-month games, cogs allow us to write features targeting a specific game, which can be left unloaded later on.

We have some cog mixins that implement 'middleware' services, for example DatabaseCog providing idiomatic database access. These should be inherited along with discord.ext.commands.Cog when such services are required. Some mixins provide interfaces with web-scraping engines, forming the backbone for the website update tracker. We use aiohttp for static pages and Selenium for dynamic/JS-rendered sites. See the separate readme for setting up the browser drivers and bindings for Selenium.

All required schemas are maintained in the database module. Arisa expects to connect to an initialized database, so feed the schema to your database before spinning up.

App-level configuration, such as secrets and tokens, are defined and exported by the appconfig module. The configs are declared with ini-style files, which can be overwritten by environment variables. Cog-specific settings are maintained in their own modules.


Clone the repo

git clone
cd arisa2

Basic configuration

Arisa's main configuration file is found in the appconfig folder. To ensure things run correctly (or at all), ensure that you configure stuff properly.

  1. Go to the /appconfig directory and make a copy of the config.conf.DEFAULT.
  2. Rename the copy to config.conf. Only make edits to this copy (they will override the default settings).
  3. All the blank fields should be filled in, unless otherwise indicated.
  4. Detailed instructions are in README for the appconfig module.

Runtime environment

Set up Python. Check that you have Python 3.6 or later, and install pipenv (step-by-step guide).

python --version
pip install --user --upgrade pipenv

Initialize a new pipenv shell, then install dependencies.

pipenv shell
pipenv install


You have to activate the pipenv shell first if you are deploying locally:

pipenv shell

Otherwise, after setting up a Heroku app and linking the app's git deployment endpoint, push:

heroku git:remote -a myApp
git push heroku master

If you are using Heroku, consider setting up a separate staging app, then adding it as an alternate remote in your main repo. To deploy non-master branches to staging, you can use:

git push staging myBranch:master