fifth-postulate / solving-permutation-puzzles.rust

Rust code to solve permutation puzzles.
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Rust code to solve permutation puzzles.


In this tutorial we will learn to solve the brainbow. Let's start by creating a new project.

cargo new --bin --name brainbow solve-brainbow

Open the Cargo.toml and add a dependency for

permutation-rs = "1.1.0"

open src/ and announce the permutation-rs.

extern crate permutation_rs;

Next we are going to import everything to start working with the brainbow group.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use permutation_rs::group::{Group, GroupElement, Morphism};
use permutation_rs::group::special::SLPPermutation;
use permutation_rs::group::tree::SLP;
use permutation_rs::group::free::Word;
use permutation_rs::group::permutation::Permutation;

We are going to focus on creating the corresponding brainbow group. We introduce a function for that.

fn brainbow() -> Group<u64, SLPPermutation> {
    let transposition = SLPPermutation::new(
            0, 0,
            1, 1,
            2, 2,
            3, 5,
            4, 4,
            5, 3

    let rotation = SLPPermutation::new(
            0, 1,
            1, 2,
            2, 3,
            3, 4,
            4, 5,
            5, 0

    let gset: Vec<u64> = vec!(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    let generators = vec!(transposition, rotation);

    Group::new(gset, generators)

Let's talk about what is going on here. From the signature we learn that we are returning a Group<u64, SLPPermutation>. The group elements are made up of SLPPermutation and act upon u64. An SLPPermutation is the combination of a SLP and a Permutation with some extra bookkeeping. We will get into what this all means.

In the function we then define two generators. You can see how an SLPPermutation is composed of a SLP and a Permutation. Notice that we create a Permutation with the permute! macro. For example

  0, 0,
  1, 1,
  2, 2,
  3, 5,
  4, 4,
  5, 3

corresponds to the following permutation in disjoint cycle notation (3 5). We create a gset by listing the domain elements that our group is acting upon, and we also gather the generators of our group. From these we create our actual group.

With the possibility of creating a group we should start to make use of it. In the main function call the brainbow function and assign it to a variable.

let group = brainbow();

Now it is time to scramble up the brainbow and create a corresponding group element to examine.

let element = SLPPermutation::new(
        0, 1,
        1, 0,
        2, 5,
        3, 4,
        4, 3,
        5, 2

We are going to use our group to strip this element. This determines a couple of things. It can tell use if this element is in the group. An other thing which we will learn is a word that will solve the scrambled brainbow if the element is in the group.

let stripped = group.strip(element);

In order to now a sequence of moves that solves this instance of the brainbow puzzle, we need a Morphism. A Morphism tells how SLP elements should map into instruction.

let morphism = morphism!(0, 't', 1, 'r');

Let's use it to solve our puzzle.

if stripped.element.1.is_identity() {
    println!("{}", stripped.transform(&morphism).inverse());
} else {
    println!("Not solveable");

Running this program will output


Which solves our puzzle.

What is an SLPPermutation?

We said before that an SLPPermutation is the combination of a SLP and a Permutation. If we learn what these individual concepts mean, we get an insight into the combination.

What is an permutation?

A permutation is a bijection from one set to the other. Basically it sends every element of a set for example 0, 1, 2 to an element of that set. For example

0 -> 1
1 -> 2
2 -> 0

What is an SLP?

SLP is short for straight line program. It is an description of a calculation which can be performed with other group elements. The implementation used in this project deviate a little from more traditional programs. It is more akin a Abstract Syntax Tree.

For example, the following representation of a SLP,

  (Generator 0)
  (Inverse (Generator 1)))

together with a morphism that sends Generator 0 to (1 2) and Generator 1 to (1 2 3) corresponds with the permutation (2 3)