fifthweek / fifthweek-web

MIT License
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Codeship Status for fifthweek/fifthweek-web

Fifthweek Web

Development setup

  1. Install Fifefox. Required for Travis CI.

  2. Standard NPM/Bower/Grunt stack:

    npm install
    bower install
    grunt build
  3. If you receive an npm install error relating to pty.js, do the following:

    mkdir /tmp/pty.js
    git clone /tmp/pty.js
    <open in editor /tmp/pty.js/src/unix/>
    <replace failing line with `#include "/usr/include/util.h"`>
    npm install -g /tmp/pty.js

Running tests

The general format with the test command (and the serve command above) is:

grunt test:[targetApi]:[targetBase]:[browserLocation]

The targetBase parameter defaults to app and the browserLocation parameter defaults to local.

Check-in procedure

The following must succeed locally before any changes are pushed:

grunt prepush

Cross-repository changes

Extra care must be taken until we have full continuous integration.

Components must be deployed in their dependency order. You must wait until a dependency has passed through CI / been deployed before pushing any dependent components to master. Example:

fifthweek-web depends on fifthweek-api,

Let's assume changes are made to API that are required by Web.

fifthweek-api must be pushed and become live before pushing fifthweek-web to master.

Breaking changes

Dependencies must not introduce breaking changes. This means older versions of fifthweek-web must work with newer versions of fifthweek-api.

This is achieved by introducing changes as additions, whereby existing functionality becomes deprecated instead of being removed or overwritten with incompatible modifications. The deprecated functionality can be removed when no live components depend on it.

There is no procedure for when you absolutely must implement a breaking change. Just remember there's 15 minutes between builds on Travis CI!


Tested on BrowserStack.