fihockey / react-project-5

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React Project - Punk API

This project is a website that allows you to search through the all the beers located within the Punk API and was made using React/TypeScript and CSS/SCSS. The aim of the project was to build a user friendly website to allow users to explore the beers displayed within the Punk API, using a searchbox and filters.

Project Goals

  1. Build A Website Using React The main task is to create a website using React. This will test your understanding of React / TypeScript and how to break down a problem.
  2. Build A Searchbox Make it so you can search the beers by their name, and the page content should update as you type each letter in the box.
  3. Create Filters Make it so you can filter the content on three conditions: High Alcohol (ABV value greater than 6%) Classic Range (Was first brewed before 2010) High Acidity (pH lower than 4)
  4. Practice Using Git and GitHub Flow This project gives the opertunity to get as much practice as possible using git, GitHub and the command line.
  5. Improve Understanding of Scoping Larger Projects Produce a clear plan of what you're going to build and how, acknowledging the differences from previous projects as this project is to be solely built within React.
  6. Application of Learning This is a great place to apply what you have been learning on all of the course so far.

Getting Started

To clone down and run this project locally, follow the below steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone []
  2. Run " npm install "
  3. Run " npm run dev ", this will open a local version of the code for you to try in your default browser.

About Me

I am a Junior Software Engineer in training, with a background in sport and education. Wild career change, right? My passion lies in communication, creativity, problem-solving and constantly pushing to exceed my limits.

I love a good chat, so if you're interested in collaborating with me, or simply connecting, feel free to reach out! We'll have a virtual cuppa! ☕