filareta / lung-cancer-prediction

Experiments with processing the lung CT scans that are publicly available in the kaggle competition Data Science Bowl 2017. Evaluating different deep neural networks for training a model that helps early cancer detection.
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Analysis and experiments with early cancer detection in lung CT scans

What is this repository for?

How do I get set up?

  1. The project is written in python. The easiest way to set up the environment is using Anaconda. Here is the link for downloading Python 3.x is required, the preferred version of Anaconda is the one using python 3.6.

  2. Required python modules

    • pydicom
    • scikit-image
    • scikit-learn
    • scipy
    • sklearn
    • pandas
    • imutils
    • tensorflow
    • google-api-python-client
    • google-cloud-storage
    • opencv module for python

    All of the modules instead of tensorflow, cv2 and scikit-image could be easily installed using either

      pip install <module_name>


     conda install <module_name>

Though some of the modules are required to be installed using conda, since Anaconda is hadling some of the environment issues and provides precompiled binaries for the modules.

Installing scikit-image:

     conda install scikit-image

Installing opencv:

     conda install -c menpo opencv3

Before installing any modules, start with setting up the Anaconda environment suitable for installing the tensorflow library.

Creating CPU tensorflow environment:

     conda create --name tensorflow python=3.5
     activate tensorflow
     conda install jupyter
     conda install scipy
     pip install tensorflow

You should specify the python version to be 3.5 when creating the environment.

Creating GPU tensorflow environment:

     conda create --name tensorflow-gpu python=3.5
     activate tensorflow-gpu
     conda install jupyter
     conda install scipy
     pip install tensorflow-gpu

To switch between environments you can simply use deactivate to deactivate the current one and activate tensorflow-gpu for example, if you want to switch to the tensorflow environment with gpu support.

In order to run tensorflow with GPU support you must install Guda Toolkit and cuDNN.

      pip install -r requirements.txt

In case you are unable to install some of the modules listed in the requirements file, do remove it and try installing it using:

     conda install <module-name>

How to start data preprocessing?

To start processing the dicom files you need to run:


Although this step is not required, since original images are too big and data preprocessing is time consuming. First stage of image preprocessing has been already executed and the data is stored in Google Cloud using several buckets:


Compressed 3D patient images will be downloaded and by default stored under ./fetch_data/ directory.

To select which model will be trained, you need to change the value of SELECTED_MODEL in (simply choose one of the predefined model names and the other configurations will be changed correspondingly)

Source and destination directories are configurable using the

How to start model training?

To start model training simply execute


Configuration and definitions of the layers for the CNN are described in python files located under model_definition. Three configurations are currently available:

How to evaluate stored model?

You can evaluate the results for the training set for an already stored model. Networks states are stored under the directory pointed from the MODELS_STORE_DIR configuration. For each of the trained models a directory with the name of the model is created and all stored states are saved there. To evaluate the network at some of the saved states you must change the RESTORE_MODEL_CKPT to point to the checkpoint file with the desired name. Then simply execute from the command line:


The solution will be stored in a csv file with location and name configured using SOLUTION_FILE_PATH, by default it is './solution_last.csv'. In the command line you will also see an evaluation of the solution – confusion matrix for the training set, logarithmic loss, accuracy, sensitivity / recall and specificity. Also a csv report will be generated with the predicted results and the exact labels of the test data. The report name is constructed from the solution file name appending the prefix report_ and is located in the same directory as the solution file.

Other configurations?

Other properties that might be configured are related with storing model states and summary exported during training.