filecoin-project / fevm-contract-tests

Integration tests for the Ethereum JSON-RPC API in Lotus
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Lotus Eth JSON-RPC integration tests

This project holds a suite of integration tests for the Ethereum JSON-RPC API built in Lotus with the Filecoin EVM runtime.

This repo runs some basic tests direclty against ethers.js and web3.js libraries, and also runs deployment and tests in the fevm-hardhat-kit (deploy only), openzeppelin-contracts and fevm-uniswap-v3-core repositories, each of which use hardhat to deploy and test smart contracts on the Filecoin EVM.

A custom version of Lotus is built to run these tests, which is included in the node directory. Each build pulls the current master branch of Lotus, so the tests are always run against the latest version of Lotus.

See Makefile for more details on how the tests are set up and executed.

Running tests

Build the local lotus-runner

  1. Ensure all dependencies are installed as described for a Lotus installation
  2. Run make build-lotus-runner

Install the dependencies

Run make install

This will install dependencies for each of:

  1. The kit to interact with the lotus-runner (make install-kit)
  2. The local ethers.js and web3.js library tests (make install-libs)
  3. fevm-hardhat-kit (make install-fevm-hardhat)
  4. openzeppelin-contracts (make install-openzeppelin)
  5. fevm-uniswap-v3-core (make install-uniswap-v3-core)

Run each test project

  1. Run the local lotus-runner: make start-lotus-runner
  2. (In another terminal) Run make test

This will execute the suite of tests across each of:

  1. The local ethers.js and web3.js library tests (make test-libs)
  2. fevm-hardhat-kit (make test-fevm-hardhat)
  3. openzeppelin-contracts (make test-openzeppelin)
  4. fevm-uniswap-v3-core (make test-uniswap-v3-core)

Known issues

  1. Wrong kind of exception received: FVM's backtrace message format is different from Ethereum's, so this repo bypasses checking the revert reason by removing the following code from node_modules/@openzeppelin/test-helpers/src/expectRevert.js:

    expect(actualError).to.equal(expectedError, 'Wrong kind of exception received');

  2. fevm-uniswap-v3-core uses jest-snapshot to generate and store snapshots of gas costs of common operations. These may change with network upgrades so may need to be re-generated and updated in the parent repository. Simply remove the test/__snapshots__ directory, re-run the tests with a newer version of Lotus and commit the new files ot the fevm-uniswap-v3-core repository.

  3. By default, ethers.js uses a block-time (pollingInterval) of 4s. This can be configured, but use of ethers.js mediated through Hardhat prevents overriding of this value; this means that even if we set a much shorter block-time in our local Lotus node, the ethers.js tests will still wait at least 4s before checking the results of transactions. This is fixed here in the Makefile fix-hardhat target by editing the Hardhat ethers.js wrapper to hard-write in a shorter pollingInterval value.


Dual-licensed: MIT, Apache Software License v2, by way of the Permissive License Stack.