filhocodes / twig-stack-extension

Implement content stacks into Twig templates.
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Twig Stack Extension

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This extension allows you to define a section of a "base template" that will receive contents from all the other pages, either via include, embed or extends.

The reason behind this package is that phive/twig-extensions-deferred doesn't really have the features I wanted. For those who doesn't know, this extension allows you to say that a block in your template will be evaluated at the end of the template, and not while it is parsing. It also serves as a learning project, since it is my first Twig Extension.

This project is also HEAVILY related to the package aygon/twig-stack. It's kinda like a refactor of their code into Twig 2.*, with my opinionated choices.


Version 2.0.0 enables support for both PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1, while removing support for PHP 7.3 and bellow. If you are still using those old PHP versions, you will need to install the version 1.0.0 of this package.


You can install this package via composer:

composer require filhocodes/twig-stack-extension

If you are using Symfony, you should be able to configure it by adding a entry into services.yaml:

        class: 'FilhoCodes\TwigStackExtension\TwigStackExtension'
        tags: ['twig.extension']

In either way, you can always add the extension directly into your Twig environment:

use FilhoCodes\TwigStackExtension\TwigStackExtension;

/** @var $twig \Twig\Environment */
$twig->addExtension(new TwigStackExtension());


In your base template, define a stack using {% stack %}

<html lang="en">
  <title>My template</title>
  {% stack styles %}
  {% stack scripts %}

Then, in files that either extend your template, or are included by any other, you may use {% push %} and {% prepend %} to add contents to the end and the beginning of the stack, respectively.

{% extends 'base.twig.html' %}

{% push scripts %}
{% endpush %}
{# include 'partial.twig.html' #}

{% push styles %}
<link />
{% endpush %}

To prevent duplicated code, like in files that are included or embed multiple times you can add an "id" to the block declaration in order to the extension to identify the block as unique. Just keep in mind that we will not verify the contents of said block, neither if it is a push or prepend. So watch out for possible collision-naming bugs.

{# embed 'component.twig.html' #}

{# The following contents will be rendered only once #}
{% push scripts component_definition_script %}
  MyPlugin = { /* ... */ }
{% endpush %}

{# The following contents will be rendered as many times as this file is embed,
   probably each with some different initialization logic... #}
{% push scripts %}
{% endpush %}