filippz / telegram_import

Import back messages exported from Telegram into JSON format
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Imports the messages exported to JSON format from Telegram back into it. It converts exported JSON to the WhatsApp format to trick the Telegram API to accept the import.

Getting started

Simply clone/download this repository, copy/rename config_template.ini to config.ini and fill the api_id and api_hash with appropriate values (get them here: Telegram Apps).


Dependencies for your python environment are listed in requirements.txt - install them with:

pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 --path <path_to_exported_folder> --peer <chat_peer_phone_number> [--test_only]

Usage example

python3 --path "C:\Users\filip\Downloads\Telegram Desktop\ChatExport_2022-02-05" --peer


If your peer deletes the chat history on his side (without selecting "Also delete for..."), you can export the data from your side. Unfortunately, there is no way for your peer to import the exported data back without using something like this.

Imported data is seen on both sides (so you essentially have double messages - the original and imported ones on your side). Imported messages are visibly flagged as such, and have the date/time of import and visible original date/time.

When exporting the chat history you need to export to JSON format, check all the file types with maximum available size. If you skip some file types or filter some of them based on their size the import will fail as the messages refer to the files that are missing from export.