Open marekburiak opened 1 year ago
When I switch from the default Forced mode to Normal mode the readings remain the same.
If I have it like this:
BME280I2C myBme; BME280I2C::Settings mySettings; float myTemperature; float myHumidity; float myPressure; in setup(): mySettings.tempOSR = BME280I2C::OSR_X16; mySettings.humOSR = BME280I2C::OSR_X16; mySettings.presOSR = BME280I2C::OSR_X16; mySettings.mode = BME280I2C::Mode_Forced; mySettings.standbyTime = BME280I2C::StandbyTime_50ms; mySettings.filter = BME280I2C::Filter_16; mySettings.spiEnable = BME280I2C::SpiEnable_False; mySettings.bme280Addr = BME280I2C::I2CAddr_0x76; myBme.setSettings(mySettings); in loop():, myTemperature, myHumidity);
then it works fine but if I change the mode to
mySettings.mode = BME280I2C::Mode_Normal;
then it just gets the values once and any subsequent calls to read just return the same values. using #define DEBUG_ON shows the same values being read, like Data: 4F 91 0 83 E1 0 83 E5
When I switch from the default Forced mode to Normal mode the readings remain the same.
If I have it like this:
then it works fine but if I change the mode to
mySettings.mode = BME280I2C::Mode_Normal;
then it just gets the values once and any subsequent calls to read just return the same values. using #define DEBUG_ON shows the same values being read, like Data: 4F 91 0 83 E1 0 83 E5