Provides an Arduino library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 data over I2C, SPI or Sw SPI. Additional environment calculation functions are provided. ESP and BRZO are now supported.
Reads temperature, humidity, and pressure. Calculates altitude, equivalent sea level pressure and dew point. Provides functions for english and metric. Also reads pressure in Pa, hPa, inHg, atm, bar, torr, N/m^2 and psi.
To use this library download the zip file, decompress it to a folder named BME280. Move the folder to {Arduino Path}/libraries.
Include the library at the top of your Arduino script. #include <BME280>
Create a global or local variable. BME280 bme
In your start up call bme.begin()
Read the temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude and/or dew point.
float pres, temp, hum, temp, hum)
temp = bme.temp()
hum = bme.hum()
pres = bme.pres()
* Temperature Oversampling Rate (tempOSR): OSR Enum, default = OSR_X1
* Humidity Oversampling Rate (humOSR): OSR Enum, default = OSR_X1
* Pressure Oversampling Rate (presOSR): OSR Enum, default = OSR_X1
* Mode (mode): Mode Enum, default = Mode_Forced
* Standby Time (standbyTime): StandbyTime Enum, default = StandbyTime_1000ms
* Filter (filter): Filter Enum, default = Filter_16
* SPI Enable: SpiEnable Enum, default = false
values: true = enable, false = disable
Includes all fields in BME280 settings.
BME 280 Address (bme280Addr): uint8_t, default = 0x76
#### BME280Spi::Settings Struct
Includes all fields in BME280 settings.
SPI Chip Select Pin (spiCsPin): uint8_t values: Any pin 0-31
Includes all fields in BME280 settings.
SPI Chip Select Pin (spiCsPin): uint8_t values: Any pin 0-31
SPI Master Out Slave In Pin (spiMosiPin): uint8_t values: Any pin 0-31
SPI Master In Slave Out Pin (spiMisoPin): uint8_t values: Any pin 0-31
SPI Serial Clock Pin (spiSckPin): uint8_t values: Any pin 0-31
## Methods
Constructor used to create the I2C Bme class. All parameters have default values.
Constructor used to create the Spi Bme class. All parameters have default values except chip select.
Constructor used to create the software Spi Bme class. All parameters have default values except chip select, mosi, miso and sck.
Method used at start up to initialize the class. Starts the I2C or SPI interface. Can be called again to re-initialize the mode settings.
Note: To allow the user to provide their own wire implementation, Wire.begin() (or the equalivant) must be called before bme.begin()
* return: bool, true = success, false = failure (no device found)
Method to set the sensor settings.
Method to get the sensor settings.
Read the temperature from the BME280 and return a float.
return: float = temperature
* unit: tempUnit, default = TempUnit_Celsius
Read the pressure from the BME280 and return a float with the specified unit.
return: float = pressure
* presUnit: uint8_t, default = PresUnit_hPa
Read the humidity from the BME280 and return a percentage as a float.
* return: float = percent relative humidity
Read the data from the BME280 with the specified units.
return: None, however, pressure, temp and humidity are changed.
* Pressure: float, reference
values: reference to storage float for pressure
* Temperature: float, reference
values: reference to storage float for temperature
* Humidity: float, reference
values: reference to storage float for humidity
* tempUnit: tempUnit, default = TempUnit_Celsius
* presUnit: uint8_t, default = PresUnit_hPa
* return: [ChipModel](#chipmodel-enum) enum
Calculate the altitude based on the pressure with the specified units.
Return: float altitude
* Pressure: float
values: unit independent
* AltitudeUnit: default = AltitudeUnit_Meters
values: AltitudeUnit_Meters, AltitudeUnit_Feet
* Sea Level Pressure: float, default = 1013.25
values: unit independent
* outsideTemp: float, default = 15.0
values: any float related to TempUnit
* TempUnit: default = TempUnit_Celsius
values: TempUnit_Celsius, TempUnit_Fahrenheit
Note: The formula evaluates the height difference based on difference of pressure.
- May be used to evaluate altitude over MSL. (default set)
(default referencePressure, default outsideTemp parameters ~ ISA standard)
The altitude is derived from QNH, used in aviation.
- May be used to evaluate height over MSL
(referencePressure should be equal to QFF read in meteorologic synoptic maps,
outsideTemp should be equal to local temperature)
- May be used to evaluate the height difference between two points
(referencePressure should be set to the pressure on the lower point.)
Convert current pressure to equivalent sea-level pressure.
Return: float equivalent pressure at sea level.
* altitude: float
values: meters
* temp: float
values: celsius
* pres: float
values: unit independent
* AltitudeUnit: default = AltitudeUnit_Meters
values: AltitudeUnit_Meters, AltitudeUnit_Feet
* TempUnit: default = TempUnit_Celsius
values: TempUnit_Celsius, TempUnit_Fahrenheit
Note: To get correct EquivalentSeaLevel pressure (QNH or QFF) the altitude value should be independent
on measured pressure. It is necessary to use fixed altitude point e.g. the altitude of barometer
read in map.
Calculate the dew point based on the temperature and humidity with the specified units.
return: float dew point
* Temperature: float
values: any float related to TempUnit
* Humidity: float, unit = % relative humidity
values: any float
* TempUnit: TempUnit, default = TempUnit_Celsius
values: TempUnit_Celsius = return degrees Celsius, TempUnit_Fahrenheit = return degrees Fahrenheit
Calculate the absolute humidity based on the temperature and humidity with the specified units.
return: float absolute humidity
* Temperature: float
values: any float related to TempUnit
* Humidity: float, unit = % relative humidity
values: any float
* TempUnit: TempUnit, default = TempUnit_Celsius
values: TempUnit_Celsius = return degrees Celsius, TempUnit_Fahrenheit = return degrees Fahrenheit
Calculate the heat index based on the temperature and humidity with the specified units. The U.S. NWS algorithm is used.
return: float heat index in TempUnit
* Temperature: float
values: any float related to TempUnit
* Humidity: float, unit = % relative humidity
values: any float
* TempUnit: TempUnit, default = TempUnit_Celsius
values: TempUnit_Celsius = return degrees Celsius, TempUnit_Fahrenheit = return degrees Fahrenheit
git checkout -b my-new-feature
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
git push origin my-new-feature
Written by Tyler Glenn, 2016.
Special thanks to Mike Glenn for editing and reviewing the code.
GNU GPL, see License.txt