finscn / The-Best-JS-Game-Framework

This is the best javascript game framework on the earth.
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小胖的英语,由我来拯救! #3

Closed yu-lu closed 10 years ago

yu-lu commented 10 years ago
; )
finscn commented 10 years ago


on earth: 究竟,到底 on the earth: 地球上

疑问句中 do is 要前置, 例如 Why do you .... Why are you... Why is it ...

yu-lu commented 10 years ago
关于on earth

你的字面翻译没错,但on earth不仅仅是究竟的意思, 参考链接页面底部:

on earth


like nothing on earth .  Incomparable. For example, That perfume smells like nothing
on earth , or Her new hair color is like nothing on earth . [c. 1900]


Apple is the most successful company on earth

而on the earth更多指实际的物体确切存在于地球上,例:

 If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the earth. 

这条我不知道语法支持的论点了,疑问句助动词前置的确是语法规定的。 但这样你就是在确切的提问了,读者应该就你的提问来进行回答。 用陈述语序,就能表明你在提出自己的观点,下面来由自己说明理由。 多年没碰语法了,只是觉得‘it is the best’表达起来更自然。 顺便你也可以google一下‘why it's the best’,确实是有这种表达方式的,虽然我现在不能肯定对不对就是了。 顺便领英的一篇post的标题:

Why It’s Better To Be The Best Rather Than The First
finscn commented 10 years ago

1 其实我就是想表达 "地球上最好的..." 这一意思. 地球上 是我想明确表达的, 而不是想表达"无与伦比 举世无双 无可匹敌" 一类的引申含义

2 我就是在确切的提问, 自问自答的形式. 而不是想表达陈述语气.

yu-lu commented 10 years ago
