fiqus / coobs

Web application developed to monitor actions, based on cooperative principles, carried out by a cooperative.
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Cooperative social balance app

Running Backend

  1. Create virtualenv using python3 (follow

    mkvirtualenv coobs
  2. Activate the virtualenv

    workon coobs
  3. Install python requirements

    make install-requirements
  4. Copy the settings template

    cp coobs/settings/ coobs/settings/
  5. Generate new Django secret key and update SECRET_KEY value at coobs/settings/

    sed -i "s!SECRET_KEY = .*!SECRET_KEY = '$(openssl rand -base64 32)'!g" coobs/settings/
  6. Setup postgres user for coobs database

    sudo -iu postgres bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER coobs WITH PASSWORD 'coobspass';\""
    sudo -iu postgres bash -c "psql -c \"ALTER ROLE coobs SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';\""
    sudo -iu postgres bash -c "psql -c \"ALTER ROLE coobs SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';\""
    sudo -iu postgres bash -c "psql -c \"ALTER ROLE coobs SET timezone TO 'UTC';\""
  7. Configure database parameters at coobs/settings/

            'default': {
                    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
                    'NAME': 'coobs',
                    'USER': 'coobs',
                    'PASSWORD': 'coobspass',
                    'HOST': 'localhost',
                    'PORT': '5432'
  8. Create the coobs database, run migrations and create Django superuser

    make reset-db
  9. Run the server

    make server
  10. API now should be accessible at:


Running Frontend

  1. Install node dependencies:

    make install-frontend
  2. Start the frontend app:

    make frontend
  3. App core, landing and help pages should be accesible at:


Frontend translations

Adding new language

  1. Go to /coobs/frontend/locales and add the new language in langs.json file

    key -> language short ISO code
    value -> language name
  2. In the same folder add a new file with ISO code as name and .json extension

  3. Add all existing translations for the new language.

Adding new translation

  1. Try to find if translation does not already exist.

  2. Add new pair key/value in each translations file.

Backend translations

Adding new language

  1. Add new locale file

    python makemessages -l <ISO_language_code>
    (i.e.) python makemessages -l es

Adding new models

  1. Define model name associated to translations

    class Meta:
      verbose_name = _('class_name')

Adding new fields

  1. Define field name associated to translations

    option -> verbose_name=_('field_name')

Common fields (Boolean, Char, Text, etc) can have this verbose name as the first parameter without include the verbose_name attribute name. The attribute name is a must for relations (ManyToMany, ForeignKeys, etc).

Adding new model and field keys to .po files

  1. Add keys to all .po files

    python makemessages
  2. Translate each key for all existing languages

  3. Compile new translations

    python compilemessages

Generating new releases

To create a release just follow this steps:

  1. Merge master into production

    git checkout master
    git pull
    git checkout production
    git pull
    git merge --no-ff master
    git push origin production
    git checkout master
  2. Generate a new release here and make sure to select the production branch!
    Write a brief release description and use a senver string for tag and title like: vX.Y.Z

Release to production

  1. Click the "Publish release" button and the deploy action will be triggered!

Running tests

Just run make test and there you go!