firefly2442 / ArmaConnect

An Android app to connect to Arma through the Arma2NETConnect Plugin.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

Arma Connect

An Android(™) app to connect to Arma through the Arma2NETConnect Plugin.


This is an Android(™) application that connects through an Arma2NET plugin to Arma. Development started at AlphaSquad. It is a client-side mod and plugin that connects to your Android phone or tablet through a local wireless connection. For more details, see the BIS forum thread.


Planned/Possible Future Features





Arma 3 is a product of Bohemia Interactive. Map images, markers, and other image assets are copyrighted and are used under the Arma Public License. No assets from Arma will be stored on Github.

Please do not release this application under any other name or on the Google Play(™) store. This application will always remain free under the GPLv3 license.

Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.

The Android application uses two third-party libraries. TileView is released under the MIT license. It in turn uses DiskLruCache which is released under the Apache version 2 license.

Some images are part of the Tango Icon Library which is released under Public Domain.


Maps are downloaded by the Android application upon startup. The files are provided by running Arma 3 with the @Arm2NET mod and plugin enabled. The folder structure should look like this:

Arma 3\@Arma2NET\Addins\Arma2NETConnect\maps\maps.txt
Arma 3\@Arma2NET\Addins\Arma2NETConnect\maps\altis\
Arma 3\@Arma2NET\Addins\Arma2NETConnect\maps\altis\125\
Arma 3\@Arma2NET\Addins\Arma2NETConnect\maps\altis\250\

Each map has it's own folder with corresponding tiled map images. These are created using the script. Make sure the map folder name is lowercase. In addition, make sure you have the maps.txt file setup. This file contains the maps and corresponding dimensions and scaling. For example:

Stratis, 8192, 8192, 1.0
Altis, 11520, 11520, 0.375
Tanoa, 1928, 1928, 0.125520833

If you make changes or add additional maps (for example 3rd party maps), you wil need to clear the map cache on Android. This can be done by navigating to the Settings page in the Android app and clicking Clear Maps. This will then re-download all the image files.

For Developers

Opening the Android project:

The overview of events for networking between the Arma plugin and Android device is the following:

Thanks To