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typo in UG #1822

Closed gforney closed 7 years ago

gforney commented 9 years ago
March 11, 2013
FDS Version 6.0
SVN Repository Revision : 15044

Describe details of the issue below:

9.1.6 Species and Species Mass Flux Boundary Conditions
These boundary conditions are MASS_FLUX(:) and MASS_FRACTION(:) If a ....
These boundary conditions are MASS_FLUX(:) and MASS_FRACTION(:). If a ....

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-11 14:02:58

gforney commented 9 years ago
I'll take care of it.

Original issue reported on by mcgratta on 2013-03-11 15:11:06

gforney commented 9 years ago
Fixed. You can continue to add typos to this thread rather than opening a new one.

Original issue reported on by mcgratta on 2013-03-11 15:54:37

gforney commented 9 years ago
9.2.3 HVAC Node Parameters
(in Guide)
&HVAC TYPE_ID='NODE', ID='tee', DUCT_ID='duct 1','duct 2',..'duct n',
    LOSS_ARRAY=lossarray, XYZ=x,y,z /

9.2.3 HVAC Node Parameters
(in Guide)
&HVAC TYPE_ID='NODE', ID='ambient', DUCT_ID='duct 1', LOSS_ARRAY=enter,exit,
    XYZ=x,y,z /
&HVAC TYPE_ID='NODE', ID='ambient', DUCT_ID='duct 1', LOSS=?, AMBIENT=.TRUE., XYZ=x,y,z

9.2.3 HVAC Node Parameters
(in Guide)
LOSS(I,J) is the loss for flow from from duct I to duct J ....
from from => from

9.2.3 HVAC Node Parameters
(in Guide)
A duct node must either have two or more ducts ...
A node must either have two or more ducts

9.2.4 HVAC Fan Parameters
Fan Curves
(in Guide)
... a quadratic fan with VOLUME_FLUX=10 and MAX_PRESSURE=500,...
... a quadratic fan with MAX_FLOW=10 and MAX_PRESSURE=500,...

9.2.6 HVAC Aircoil Parameters
(in Guide)
A sample input is line is as follows:
A sample input line is as follows:

9.2.6 HVAC Aircoil Parameters
(in Guide)
&HVAC TYPE='AIRCOIL', ID='aircoil 1',...
&HVAC TYPE_ID='AIRCOIL', ID='aircoil 1',...

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-15 11:26:35

gforney commented 9 years ago
9.2.1 (1) HVAC Duct Parameters
(in Guide)
Note that only one of AIRCOIL_ID, DAMPER_ID, or FAN_ID should be specified for a duct.
Note that only one of AIRCOIL_ID, DAMPER, or FAN_ID should be specified for a duct.

9.2.1 (2) HVAC Duct Parameters
(in Guide)
The pressure losses associated with all the segments of the duct can be collapsed in
to in single effective loss ....
Above sentence is perfect ?

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-15 11:29:12

gforney commented 9 years ago
(No text was entered with this change)

Original issue reported on by mcgratta on 2013-03-15 12:54:54

gforney commented 9 years ago
9.2.7 Louvered HVAC Vents
(in Guide)
...the keyword UVW on VENT. UWV is the...
...the keyword UVW on VENT. UVW is the...

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-15 13:49:22

gforney commented 9 years ago
9.3.1 Specifying Pressure Zones
(in Guide)
A pressure zone can by any region within the computational......
A pressure zone can be any region within the computational......

9.3.1 Specifying Pressure Zones
(in Guide)
Example Case: Breaking Pressure Zones
This second point ought to be seen as a warning:

OUTLINE | Logical | Section 7.3.1. | .FALSE. |        |
OUTLINE | Logical | Section 7.3.1. |         |.FALSE. |

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-18 13:38:21

gforney commented 9 years ago
Thank you again for your careful reading of the User's Guide.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-03-18 14:38:50

gforney commented 9 years ago
10.3 Arrhenius Parameter Functions
(in Guide)
the pre-exponential is large and the activation is energy is 0,
the pre-exponential is large and the activation of energy is 0,

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-19 14:04:43

gforney commented 9 years ago
11.1 Specifying Primitive Species
(in Guide)
Once defined that species can be tacked  as a single species and/or the species can
   used as part of one or more...
Once defined that species can be tracked as a single species and/or the species can
be used as part of one or more...

11.1 Specifying Primitive Species
(in Guide)
a primitive species with BACKGROUND=.TRUE. can be also be used
a primitive species with BACKGROUND=.TRUE. can also be used

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-20 09:18:30

gforney commented 9 years ago
11.1.2 Specifying Gas and Liquid Species Properties
Option 2: User-Specified Properties
Two Gas Species with the Same Properties
(in Guide)
Note that the ID you provide for for a lumped species cannot ....
Note that the ID you provide for a lumped species cannot ....

11.1.2 Specifying Gas and Liquid Species Properties
Option 2: User-Specified Properties
Two Gas Species with the Same Properties
(in Guide)
If instead the primitive species ID was used, then the that output would sum ...
If instead the primitive species ID was used, then the output would sum ...

11.2 Specifying Lumped Species (Mixtures of Primitive Species)
(in Guide)
...individually. The parameters to defined a lumped species are::
...individually. The parameters to define a lumped species are::

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-21 10:56:13

gforney commented 9 years ago
Table 17.14
(in Guide)

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-22 16:36:17

gforney commented 9 years ago
12.3 Finite Rate Combustion
(in Guide)
The array SPEC_ID_N_S contains the list of species with the exponents, N_S, in Eq.
The array SPEC_ID_N_S contains the list of species with the exponents, N_S, in Eq.

12.4 Special Topic: Aerosol Deposition
(in Guide)
... QUANTITY='DEPOSITION VELOCITY' for a wall cell DEVC or with BNDF.
... QUANTITY='DEPOSITION VELOCITY' for a wall cell with DEVC or BNDF.

13.2.3 Wide Band Model
(in Guide)
the output QUANTITY 'ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT' output quantity becomes practically useless...
the output QUANTITY 'ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT' becomes practically useless...

14.3.4 Size Distribution
What is the parameter CDF_CUTOFF ?

14.3.4 Size Distribution
(in Guide)
You can specify your own cumulative number fraction (CNF)2 by specifying a USER_CNF_RAMP
on the...
You can specify your own cumulative number fraction (CNF)2 by specifying a CNF_RAMP_ID
on the...

14.4.1 Basic Geometry and Boundary Conditions
(in Guide)
If the SURF line includes a MATL_ID, the particle mass will be based upon the value
or values of DENSITY of the ...
If the SURF line includes a MATL_ID, the particle mass will be based upon the value
of DENSITY of the ...

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-24 14:14:42

gforney commented 9 years ago
14.4.7 Screens
(in Guide)

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-25 12:40:41

gforney commented 9 years ago
Thanks again.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-03-25 13:00:39

gforney commented 9 years ago
17.30 VENT
(in Guide)
PBX, PBY, PBZ |Real |Section 7.3.1  |   |   |
PBX, PBY, PBZ |Real |Section 7.3.1  |m  |   |

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-26 12:58:40

gforney commented 9 years ago
Table 17.20 PROP
(in Guide)
LENGTH  |Real   |Section 15.3.5 |   |1.8
LENGTH  |Real   |Section 15.3.5 |m  |1.8

15.3.5 Smoke Detectors
Defining Smoke
(in Guide)

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-28 12:21:12

gforney commented 9 years ago
thanks once again.  

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-03-28 18:24:47

gforney commented 9 years ago
15.4.2 Activating and Deactivating Vents
(in Guide)
the purpose is to either activate or deactivate any time ramp associated with the VENT
via its SURF_ID.
the purpose is to either activate or deactivate any time ramp associated with the VENT
via its DEVC_ID.

15.5.5 Control Function: CUSTOM
(in Guide)

Happy to do something for FDS6 !!

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-03-29 11:07:36

gforney commented 9 years ago
15.5.3 Control Function: DEADBAND
(in Guide)
when the value of the INPUT_ID drops below the lower value in DEADBAND
when the value of the INPUT_ID drops below the lower value in SETPOINT

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-01 11:58:34

gforney commented 9 years ago
Chapter 16
(in Guide)
It is important to remember that you must explicitly declare in the input file most
of the FDS output data.
Above sentence is perfect ?

16.1 Output Control Parameters: The DUMP Namelist Group
(in Guide)
Note that DT_SLCF controls Smoke3D output.
Note that DT_SLCF controls SMOKE3D output.

16.1 Output Control Parameters: The DUMP Namelist Group
(in Guide)
EB_DUMP_FILE If .TRUE. write out the particle output file using 8 byte reals.
EB_DUMP_FILE If .TRUE., write out the particle output file using 8 byte reals.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-02 12:54:10

gforney commented 9 years ago
table 17.6
(in Guide)
DT_DEVC_LINE    | Real  | Section 16.2.2    |   | 1     |
DT_DEVC_LINE    | Real  | Section 16.2.2    | s | delta t / 4   |

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-03 09:12:46

gforney commented 9 years ago
16.9.6 Particle Output Quantities
Solid Phase
(in Guide)
In this case case each grid cell on the floor....
In this case each grid cell on the floor....

16.9.6 Particle Output Quantities
Solid Phase
(in Guide)
analogous to actual buckets the size of a grid cell.
Above sentence is perfect ?

Table 17.20

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-09 13:28:22

gforney commented 9 years ago
9.2.5 HVAC Filter Parameters
(in Guide)
RAMP_ID identifies the RAMP that contains a table of pressure drop across the filter
as a function of total loading (see summation in LOSS.
(summation in LOSS)  ?

Table 17.9
(in Guide)
LOADING_MULITPLIER  | Real Array    | Section 9.2.5 | kg    | 0.0
LOADING_MULITPLIER  | Real Array    | Section 9.2.5 | kg^-1 | 0.0

K_filter = K_CLEAN_LOSS + K_LOSS sum(Li Mi) (9.2.5 HVAC Filter Parameters)

K_filter : implicitly in FDS code (non-dimensional)
K_CLEAN_LOSS : CLEAN_LOSS (non-dimensional)
K_LOSS : LOSS (non-dimensional)
Li : LOADING (kg)
Mi : LOADING_MULTIPLIER (kg? -> kg^-1)

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-12 09:02:11

gforney commented 9 years ago
Y_CO2_INFTY=0.0058(manual) ? 0.000595(code)
Y_O2_INFTY=0.232428(manual) ? 0.232378(code)

MAX_PRESSURE_ITERATIONS=10000(manual)? 10(code)

Which is correct?

(In this issue site, I didn't get a response in case of such a question. Please reply
to me via mail.)
Thank you ~

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-25 04:12:55

gforney commented 9 years ago
LES_FILTER_WIDTH = 'MAX' (manual) ? 'MEAN' (code)

Which is correct?

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-25 06:08:45

gforney commented 9 years ago
Thanks again.  In general if there is a discrepancy between the manual and the code,
the code is correct and manual just wasn't updated.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-04-25 12:51:45

gforney commented 9 years ago
14.4.8 Electrical Cable Failure

&INIT ID='Cable', XB=0.01,0.01,0.,0.,0.,0., N_PARTICLES=1, PART_ID='Cable Segment'
&DEVC XYZ=0.01,0.00,0.000, ID='Cable Temp', INIT_ID='Cable', 

(my opinion)
I know that there needs no XYZ(or XB) in the case of using INIT_ID on DEVC line.
Is this correct?
If true, above input lines are typo.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-04-26 06:56:48

gforney commented 9 years ago
yes, you are correct. In this particular example the DEVC does not need an XYZ since
it uses the INIT line.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-04-26 17:53:18

gforney commented 9 years ago
Table 17.5
17.6 DUMP
(User's Guide)
DT_PL3D  |  Real  | Section 16.1  |  s  |  dt/5
DT_PL3D  |  Real  | Section 16.1  |  s  |  1e10

(again / not revised)
Y_CO2_INFTY=0.0058(manual) ? 0.000595(code)

(again / not revised)
table 17.6
(in Guide)
DT_DEVC_LINE    | Real  | Section 16.2.2    |   | delta t / 4   |
DT_DEVC_LINE    | Real  | Section 16.2.2    | s | delta t / 4   |

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-05-09 09:12:52

gforney commented 9 years ago
Do you have the latest guide?  My copy shows that Y_CO2_INFTY was changed to 0.00595.

Thanks for your continued comments.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-05-09 12:33:10

gforney commented 9 years ago
Sorry.. I just copy-and-pasted from a previous comment.

(again / not revised)
Y_CO2_INFTY=0.00595(manual) -> 0.000595(code)

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-05-10 00:12:54

gforney commented 9 years ago
In example of 'energy_budget_solid', BACKING='INSULATED' is used with TMP_BACK=150 on
SURF line.

If BACKING='INSULATED' is used, TMP_BACK is no meaning.

Is that right?

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-05-10 09:22:00

gforney commented 9 years ago
Thanks again.  I see now that I missed a 0 in the CO value.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-05-10 12:43:58

gforney commented 9 years ago
(User's Guide)
Table 17.14
CFL_VELOCITY_NORM   |Real   |Section 6.4.9  |   |1
(in FDS Code)
CFL_VELOCITY_NORM   |Real   |Section 6.4.9  |   |0

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-05-13 10:58:29

gforney commented 9 years ago
ex) energy_budget_solid.fds

"TMP_BACK=150 has no meanig with BACKING='INSULATED'"
That is typo.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-05-20 10:45:28

gforney commented 9 years ago
yes the input TMP_BACK does not affect the outcome of that sample case.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-05-21 21:16:11

gforney commented 9 years ago
(User's Guide)
Table 17.14
PARTICLE_CFL    |Logical|Section #.#.#  |   |.False.
(in FDS Code)
PARTICLE_CFL    |Logical|Section #.#.#  |   |.True.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-10 08:25:39

gforney commented 9 years ago
The following parameters are absent in FDS6 manual.


Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-10 13:26:59

gforney commented 9 years ago
I changed NUMBER_INITIAL_PARTICLES to N_PARTICLES throughout the V&V cases. The former
parameter is EQUIVALENCEd to the latter.

Original issue reported on by mcgratta on 2013-06-10 13:50:52

gforney commented 9 years ago
(in Manual)
DRAG_COEFFICIENT is not an array.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-11 02:39:45

gforney commented 9 years ago
(User's Guide)
Table 17.14
ASSUMED_GAS_TEMPERATURE |~|                 |
ASSUMED_GAS_TEMPERATURE |~|degree celsius   |

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-11 08:04:44

gforney commented 9 years ago
fixed comments 41 and 42.  Thanks again.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-06-11 12:57:30

gforney commented 9 years ago
In example 'water_fuel_sprays',

      FUEL='N-HEPTANE' ....

there are two FUELs.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-17 07:05:04

gforney commented 9 years ago
Thanks. I removed one of the FUELs.

Original issue reported on by mcgratta on 2013-06-17 12:14:08

gforney commented 9 years ago
In example 'screen_drag(_2)',
there need a parameter LENGTH.

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-18 04:53:03

gforney commented 9 years ago
This was changed since FDS6 RC1.  No LENGTH is needed for screen drag.

User's Guide 14.4.7 Screens

Note that the LENGTH parameter on the SURF line will be computed automatically so the
fraction of the grid cell flow area occupied by the screen matches be given by 1 - FREE_AREA_FRACTION.

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-06-18 12:19:00

gforney commented 9 years ago
I used FDS6 RC3 executable file (SVN 14299).
However, following error statement is printed on monitor.


Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-19 02:34:24

gforney commented 9 years ago
The cases run with the current source.  The change must have been after rc3

Original issue reported on by drjfloyd on 2013-06-19 02:39:01

gforney commented 9 years ago
In example 'hot_spheres', 

&PART ID='radiometer', ..... ORIENTATION(1:3,1)=1,0,0 /
&PART ID='radiometer', ..... ORIENTATION(1,1:3)=1,0,0 /

That's right ?

Original issue reported on by springcb38 on 2013-06-24 09:36:42