firemountain / basic-meteor-app

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Hello new developer !

This project was being developed, but got dropped by the preivous developer, and needs someone new to come in and complete the job.

The Original Job

The original job, described simply, is that:

Here you can see a live demo of the template:

Here you can see a live demo of the Meteor app that the previous developer created:

As you can see much of the functionality and desired outcome is yet to be built.

Currently (sept 16th 2017) the code can be found in the "staging" branch.

Launching locally

Launching the code locally requires:

Deployed site

The site is already live here

Exploring the functionality of what we have so far.

Currently what you have done so far is extent of the site functionality.

Source code of UI

The UI we are using is coming from here.

you can find the source code for the template in the repo.