firstandthird / bower-files

Node lib to get a list of files from bower
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A library that talks to Bower and grabs the files that you need for your application.


var bowerFiles = require('bower-files');

bowerFiles(function(err, files) {
    //array of all file paths, in order by dependency
    //example that includes weekly
    //files => ['/path/to/jquery.js', '/path/to/fidel.js', ..., '/path/to/weekly']


bowerFiles({ type: '.css'}, function(err, files) {});
// Just grab deps for weekly
bowerFiles({ include: 'weekly', function(err, files) {});
// Grab all deps except jquery
bowerFiles({ exclude: 'jquery', function(err, files){});
    type: '.css',
    map: {
        'Font-Awesome' : 'css/font-awesome.css'

CLI Usage

These are the parameters of the CLI:

  -t, --type     Type of the files you want to get.                                             [default: ".js"]
  -i, --include  The only libraries you want to include in your results. Comma separated list.
  -e, --exclude  Libraries you want to exclude and their dependencies. Comma separated list.
  -j, --json     Output the content as JSON instead of one line per file.
  -m, --map      Path to a JSON file which has a map of libraries and relative paths.
  -h, --help     Shows help info.


You can run tests by running npm test