fischerscode / my-k3s

The configuration and automatation of a k3s cluster.
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The configuration and automatation of a k3s cluster.


Flux is used to automatically provision the manifests.

Install Flux

MacOS: brew install fluxcd/tap/flux

New Cluster

  1. Specify cluster name: export CLUSTER=
  2. Setup ansible vault and store the vault password in $CLUSTER-ansible.key
  3. Create inventory: cp inventory-sample.yaml inventory-$CLUSTER.yaml
  4. Edit your inventory (Generate vault entries using pbpaste | ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file $CLUSTER-ansible.key --name k3sToken. --name has to be the name of the encrypted key.)
  5. Copy cluster manifests: cp -r clusters/sample clusters/$CLUSTER
  6. Edit clusters/$CLUSTER/infrastructure.yaml manifest
  7. Copy infrastructure: cp -r infrastructure/sample infrastructure/$CLUSTER
  8. Generate files: ansible-playbook -i inventory-$CLUSTER.yaml tools/generate_files.yml --extra-vars=cluster_name=$CLUSTER
  9. Setup SOPS
  10. Create secrets: ./
  11. Store known hosts: ansible-playbook -i inventory-$CLUSTER.yaml tools/store_known_hosts.yml
  12. Install k3s (wait until it hangs at 'Enable and check K3s service'): ansible-playbook -i inventory-$CLUSTER.yaml main.yml --extra-vars=cluster_name=$CLUSTER --vault-password-file $CLUSTER-ansible.key
  13. Get access to the cluster:
    1. New terminal and export CLUSTER= again.
    2. Get kubeconfig: ansible-playbook -i inventory-$CLUSTER.yaml tools/get_kubeconfig.yml --extra-vars=cluster_name=$CLUSTER
    3. Tunnel api server: ssh -L 6443: IP_OF_A_MASTER
    4. New terminal and export CLUSTER= again.
    5. Replace IP at server in kubeconfig-$CLUSTER.yaml with
    6. Use config: KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig-$CLUSTER.yaml
  14. Setup Flux:
    1. Make sure GITHUB_TOKEN is set. Run export GITHUB_TOKEN=$(pbpaste) with a personal access token (everything in repo is enabled) in your clipboard.
    2. Setup flux: flux bootstrap github --owner=fischerscode --repository=my-k3s --path=clusters/$CLUSTER --branch master --personal
  15. Playbook should finish now. If not check flux get all.
  16. Replace IP at server in kubeconfig-$CLUSTER.yaml with kubernetes_api_public_address.


  1. Add cluster to .github/workflows/update-flux.yaml
  2. get grafana admin password: kubectl get secret -n monitoring grafana-cred --template={{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}} | base64 -d | pbcopy

Mozilla SOPS

  1. brew install gnupg sops
  2. Generate a GPG/OpenPGP key with no passphrase (%no-protection):

    export KEY_NAME="$"
    export KEY_COMMENT="flux secrets"
    gpg --batch --full-generate-key <<EOF
    Key-Type: 1
    Key-Length: 4096
    Subkey-Type: 1
    Subkey-Length: 4096
    Expire-Date: 0
    Name-Comment: ${KEY_COMMENT}
    Name-Real: ${KEY_NAME}
  3. gpg --list-keys "${KEY_NAME}"
  4. Store the fingerprint: export KEY_FP=
  5. Backup private key:
    1. To file: gpg --export-secret-keys --armor ${KEY_NAME} > $CLUSTER.key (Ansible will search for this key and apply it as a secret if present.)
    2. To clipboard: gpg --export-secret-keys --armor ${KEY_NAME} | pbcopy
  6. Add public key to git: gpg --export --armor ${KEY_NAME} > ./clusters/$CLUSTER/
  7. cat <<EOF >> .sops.yaml
     - path_regex: /$CLUSTER\/.*\.yaml$
       encrypted_regex: ^(data|stringData)$
       pgp: ${KEY_FP}
     - path_regex: /$CLUSTER\/.*\.encrypted$
       pgp: ${KEY_FP}


  1. Remove private key: gpg --delete-secret-keys ${KEY_NAME}
  2. Import secret key: gpg --import $CLUSTER.key