fishpercolator / revelry

Project builder for Reveal.js
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
2 stars 1 forks source link


Revelry is a project builder for Reveal.js.

If you make a lot of presentations with Reveal, you will find yourself unnecessarily duplicating huge chunks of boilerplate. With Revelry you can concentrate on your presentation content and let Revelry take care of the rest.

This is an alpha release. See the issues tracker for the list of planned features and known issues.


$ npm install -g revelry

Note: if you are cloning this repo and installing locally, you will need to specify the --unsafe-perm option to npm install. This is because the postinstall needs access to the reveal.js dependency.

Alternative: Using Docker

If you have Docker installed, you can use Revelry without needing to install anything. For example:

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/work -u $(id -u) fishpercolator/revelry new myproject

Or create an alias:

$ alias revelry='docker run -v $(pwd):/work -u $(id -u) fishpercolator/revelry'

Creating a project

$ revelry new myproject

$ revelry new myproject -t "My amazing presentation" -d "A short description of my presentation"

The anatomy of a Revelry project


Revfile.json is where all the configuration for your presentation goes. In here you can specify the title and description as well as Reveal options such as theme and plugins. (Note: Revfile.json is really JavaScript code, rather than JSON, so you can include functions and other complex types in here. The usual warnings about editing executable code apply.)

slides.html is a Handlebars-enabled HTML file containing your slides. Each slide is given an HTML <section>. The contents of Revfile.json are used as the Handlebars context.

img/ is a directory where you can put images you need for your presentation. Its contents will be copied to the built site's img/ dir when your project is built.

custom/ contains files that can be used to override some of the default HTML and CSS provided by Reveal. (See below.)

Example slides.html

  <h2>My first slide</h2>
    <li class="fragment">Bullet one</li>
    <li class="fragment" style="color:red">Bullet two</li>


You can break your presentation into multiple files, which can be a mixture of Handlebars and Pug. Then you can include them in each other using each language's native include syntax. For example:

  <h1>Handlebars example</h1>
{{! Include intro.html or intro.pug}}
{{> intro}}
  h1 Pug example
//- Include another Pug file
include intro.pug
//- Include a Handlebars file
include:handlebars intro.html


Once you have filled out the contents of Revfile.json and slides.html, you can build your project.

$ cd myproject/
$ revelry build

By default this will create the project in a .gitignored subdirectory www of the project directory, but you can specify any target directory:

$ revelry build /var/www/myproject


Most of the configuration of a Revelry project happens in the Revfile.json. Some of the supported keys are:


Including a plugin name in the plugins array of Revfile.json will cause the appropriate files to be copied to the built project from Reveal.js and the necessary JavaScript files loaded as dependencies.

If you want to configure the plugin further, you'll need to add the config separately to options. See the Reveal.js documentation for more details.

Currently supported plugins are:

The multiplex plugin is not supported because its configuration is too complicated to automatically guess.

Revelry currently doesn't support any plugins other than the standard ones. Watch out for 3rd-party plugin support in a future release.

Custom CSS / Sass

Add CSS to the custom.scss file if you want to override the theme's default CSS or add classes of your own.

The file is preprocessed with Sass, so you can use variables, nested selectors, etc. if you wish.

Note that you'll need to put all your overrides inside the .reveal class, like this:

.reveal {
  h1 {
    color: black;

Custom header

If you need to insert any additional info into the HTML header (such as meta tags or links to CSS or RSS), you can edit the header.html file. The contents of this file will be inserted into the <head> of the presentation.

You can also set any of the <meta> tags using the meta object in Revfile.json. If you don't have one because your project was created by an older version, run revelry upgrade on your project to bring it up to date.

Custom footer

Added in 2.0.0. This contains the code to initialize Reveal.js and any custom JavaScript you want to add to your presentation.

If you have a project that was created before 2.0.0, you'll need to run revelry upgrade to create this file before you can build.

Pug support

Revelry also supports templates in Pug format, which is a more concise language than HTML and lends itself quite well to writing presentations.

If you have a slides.pug instead of slides.html, it will be parsed as a Pug file.

You can also create a new Pug project outright, e.g.:

$ revelry new myproject --pug

The Revfile context will be passed to Pug as locals, so you can use its values the same way you would in Handlebars.

The earlier example, expressed as Pug, is:

  h1= title
  h2= description
  h2 My first slide
    li.fragment Bullet one
    li.fragment(style='color:red') Bullet two

Note: The resulting HTML is still processed by Handlebars.

Author info

Copyright 2014-2015, Fish Percolator.

Released under a BSD-style license.

Fork me on Github:

Issue tracker: