fisshy / react-scroll

React scroll component
MIT License
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React Scroll

React component for animating vertical scrolling ## Table of Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Features](#features) - [Install](#install) - [Run](#run) - [Examples](#examples) - [Example of Using react-scroll with image](#example-of-using-react-scroll-with-image-and-detailed-explanation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Props/Options](#Props/Options) - [Full example](#Full-example) - [Scroll Methods](#scroll-methods) - [Scroll Events](#scroll-events) - [Best Practices and Tips](#best-practices-and-tips) - [Troubleshooting and FAQs](#troubleshooting-and-faqs) - [Contribution](#contributions) - [Changelog](#changelog) ### Introduction React-Scroll is a lightweight library for enhancing scrolling functionality in React applications. Whether you're building a single-page application, a portfolio site, or a complex web application, React Scroll provides you with an easy-to-use solution for implementing smooth scrolling behavior. This works with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsodt Edge, and Firefox. ### Features - Smooth Scrolling: Achieve seamless scrolling animations between sections of your web page. - Customization: Customize scroll behavior to suit your application's design and user experience requirements. - Accessibility: Ensure your scrolling functionality is accessible to all users, including those who rely on assistive technologies. - Lightweight: Keep your bundle size small with React Scroll's minimal footprint. ### Install ```js $ npm install react-scroll ``` or ``` $ yarn add react-scroll ``` ### Run ```js $ npm install $ npm test $ npm start ``` or ```js $ yarn $ yarn test $ yarn start ``` ### Examples Checkout examples Live example > [Basic]( > [Basic-Keydown]( > [Container]( > [With-hash]( > [With-overflow]( > [Code]( Code example > [Next.js]( ### Example of Using react-scroll with image and detailed explanation! In this example, the react-scroll library was utilized to enable smooth scrolling navigation within a single-page React application. The library provides components such as Link and Element that facilitate seamless navigation between different sections of the page. Once you start your react app, you can add this code at the bottom to experience the scroll feature! Code: ```js import React from 'react'; import { Link, Element } from 'react-scroll'; function App() { return (

Section 1

This is the content of section 1

Section 2

This is the content of section 2

{/* Add more sections with Element components as needed */}
); } export default App; ``` ![GIF_example](Animation_esep.gif) ### Usage ```js import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { Link, Button, Element, Events, animateScroll as scroll, scrollSpy } from 'react-scroll'; const Section = () => { // useEffect is used to perform side effects in functional components. // Here, it's used to register scroll events and update scrollSpy when the component mounts. useEffect(() => { // Registering the 'begin' event and logging it to the console when triggered. Events.scrollEvent.register('begin', (to, element) => { console.log('begin', to, element); }); // Registering the 'end' event and logging it to the console when triggered. Events.scrollEvent.register('end', (to, element) => { console.log('end', to, element); }); // Updating scrollSpy when the component mounts. scrollSpy.update(); // Returning a cleanup function to remove the registered events when the component unmounts. return () => { Events.scrollEvent.remove('begin'); Events.scrollEvent.remove('end'); }; }, []); // Defining functions to perform different types of scrolling. const scrollToTop = () => { scroll.scrollToTop(); }; const scrollToBottom = () => { scroll.scrollToBottom(); }; const scrollTo = () => { scroll.scrollTo(100); // Scrolling to 100px from the top of the page. }; const scrollMore = () => { scroll.scrollMore(100); // Scrolling an additional 100px from the current scroll position. }; // Function to handle the activation of a link. const handleSetActive = (to) => { console.log(to); }; // Rendering the component's JSX. return (
{/* Link component to scroll to "test1" element with specified properties */} Test 1 {/* Other Link and Button components for navigation, each with their unique properties and targets */} {/* ... */} {/* Element components that act as scroll targets */} test 1 test 2
test 6 (anchor)
{/* Links to elements inside a specific container */} Go to first element inside container Go to second element inside container {/* Container with elements inside */}
first element inside container second element inside container
{/* Anchors to trigger scroll actions */} To the top!
To the bottom!
Scroll to 100px from the top
Scroll 100px more from the current position!
); }; export default Section; ``` ### Props/Options
activeClass class applied when element is reached
activeStyle style applied when element is reached
to Target to scroll to
containerId Container to listen for scroll events and to perform scrolling in
spy Make Link selected when scroll is at its targets position
hashSpy Update hash based on spy, containerId has to be set to scroll a specific element
smooth Animate the scrolling
offset Scroll additional px ( like padding )
duration time of the scroll animation - can be a number or a function (`function (scrollDistanceInPx) { return duration; }`), that allows more granular control at run-time
delay Wait x milliseconds before scroll
isDynamic In case the distance has to be recalculated - if you have content that expands etc.
onSetActive Invoke whenever link is being set to active
onSetInactive Invoke whenever link is lose the active status
ignoreCancelEvents Ignores events which cancel animated scrolling
horizontal Whether to scroll vertically (`false`) or horizontally (`true`) - default: `false`
spyThrottle Time of the spy throttle - can be a number
### Full example ```js Your name ``` ### Scroll Methods > Scroll To Top ```js import { animateScroll } from 'react-scroll'; const options = { // your options here, for example: duration: 500, smooth: true, }; animateScroll.scrollToTop(options); ``` > Scroll To Bottom ```js import { animateScroll } from 'react-scroll'; const options = { // Your options here, for example: duration: 500, smooth: true, }; animateScroll.scrollToBottom(options); ``` > Scroll To (position) ```js import { animateScroll } from 'react-scroll'; const options = { // Your options here, for example: duration: 500, smooth: true, }; // Scroll to 100 pixels from the top of the page animateScroll.scrollTo(100, options); ``` > Scroll To (Element) animateScroll.scrollTo(positionInPixels, props = {}); ```js import { Element, scroller } from 'react-scroll'; // Somewhere else, even another file scroller.scrollTo('myScrollToElement', { duration: 1500, delay: 100, smooth: true, containerId: 'ContainerElementID', offset: 50, // Scrolls to element + 50 pixels down the page // ... other options }); ``` > Scroll More (px) ```js import { animateScroll } from 'react-scroll'; const options = { // Your options here, for example: duration: 500, smooth: true, }; // Scroll an additional 10 pixels down from the current scroll position animateScroll.scrollMore(10, options); ``` ### Scroll events > begin - start of the scrolling ```js import { Events } from 'react-scroll'; Events.scrollEvent.register('begin', function(to, element) { console.log('begin', to, element); }); ``` > end - end of the scrolling/animation ```js import { Events } from 'react-scroll'; Events.scrollEvent.register('end', function(to, element) { console.log('end', to, element); }); ``` > Remove events ```js import { Events } from 'react-scroll'; Events.scrollEvent.remove('begin'); Events.scrollEvent.remove('end'); ``` #### Create your own Link/Element > Simply just pass your component to one of the high order components (Element/Scroll) ```js import React from 'react'; import { ScrollElement, ScrollLink } from 'react-scroll'; const Element = (props) => { return (
{ props.parentBindings.domNode = el; }}> {props.children}
); }; export const ScrollableElement = ScrollElement(Element); const Link = (props) => { return ( {props.children} ); }; export const ScrollableLink = ScrollLink(Link); ``` ### Scroll Animations > Add a custom easing animation to the smooth option. This prop will accept a Boolean if you want the default, or any of the animations listed below ```js import { scroller } from 'react-scroll'; scroller.scrollTo('myScrollToElement', { duration: 1500, delay: 100, smooth: 'easeInOutQuint', containerId: 'ContainerElementID', // ... other options }); ``` > List of currently available animations: ``` linear - no easing, no acceleration. easeInQuad - accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutQuad - decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutQuad - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. easeInCubic - accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutCubic - decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutCubic - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. easeInQuart - accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutQuart - decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutQuart - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. easeInQuint - accelerating from zero velocity. easeOutQuint - decelerating to zero velocity. easeInOutQuint - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration. ``` A good visual reference can be found at []( ### Best Practices and Tips - Optimize performance by limiting the number of elements with scroll events. - Test your application on various devices and screen sizes to ensure accessibility. ### Troubleshooting and FAQs - Q: How do I customize the scroll behavior? - A: You can customize the scroll duration, easing function, and other parameters using the duration, smooth, and offset props. - Q: Why is my smooth scrolling not working? This can be applied to any prop! - A: Ensure that the smooth prop is set to true and that your browser supports smooth scrolling. ### Contributions - To contribute to React-Scroll, please follow these guidelines: - Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes. - Make your changes and submit a pull request with a clear description of your work. - Include tests and ensure all existing tests pass before submitting your changes. ### Changelog - [See the CHANGELOG](./ ### License - React Scroll is licensed under the MIT License. Explore this to understand terms and conditions of the license-