fiveham / Sudoku_Solver

Solve sudoku puzzles by representing the puzzle as a bipartite graph of truth-claims about cells' values and rule-statements that have exactly one true neighbor and removing edges as information is added
MIT License
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What it is

This project is a sudoku puzzle solver that reads an unsolved puzzle from a file specifying which cells are already filled and what those cells' values are and outputs the solved puzzle after processing with some techniques. If the puzzle is not completely solved by the time the solver finishes, the output specifies all the known cell values and reports all unsolved cells as having a value of zero.

How to use it

Run Solver, specifying the name of the file whose puzzle is to be solved as the first command-line argument. The finished puzzle will be printed to the standard output stream.

Alternatively, construct a Solver with a reference to a file describing a puzzle using one of the supported input formats or with a reference to a Puzzle that's been constructed externally. Then call solve() on that Solver. Once solve() returns, the puzzle is as solved as the Solver can make it be.

Supported Input Formats

Sadman Sudoku format and plaintext are supported. Sadman Sudoku format files' names must end with .sdk. Plaintext files's names must end with .txt and those files must contain the 16, 81, 256, etc. int tokens that describe the initial state of the unsolved puzzle as the first 16, 81, 256, etc. tokens in the file, followed by the end of the file or by any non-int token. An initially empty cell in plaintext format is indicated by a zero.

How it works

A sudoku puzzle is represented as a bipartite graph of truth-claims about the values of cells and pedantic statements of the rules of a sudoku puzzle. A Claim is equivalent to a statement such as "Cell r3c5 is 7", regardless whether that statement is true or false. A Rule is equivalent to a statement such as "The value in cell r7c9" (corresponding to the general rule that each cell has exactly one value) or "The 1 in row 3" (corresponding to the general rule that each row has exactly one occurrence of each value).

Initially a Puzzle is fully connected. Every Claim is connected to four Rules and every Rule is connected to 4, 9, 16, etc. Claims, corresponding to the side-length of the puzzle. As information is added by adding initial values and by performing solution techniques, Claims are determined false, and all edges of those false Claims are removed.

At a given point in time, given a Rule, exactly one of the elements of that Rule is true and all the others are false. As such, whenever it is determined that a certain Claim is not the true Claim in a certain Rule, that Claim is simply false and is not the true Claim of any other Rule; so, all its edges with Rules can be removed. Conversely, when a Claim is known to be true, all of the Rules to which is was initially connected are still connected to it but they each have that true Claim as their only connected neighbor. As such, when a Puzzle is completely solved, its backing graph is extremely disjoint, every false Claim completely disconnected from the rest of the graph and every true Claim's Rules connected only to that true Claim. A solved Puzzle has 64, 729, 4096, etc. connected components, each of which has exactly one Claim.

Theory and Background

This style of interpreting a sudoku puzzle as a bipartite graph of claims and rules was implemented in order to implement the Sledgehammer concept for solving sudoku puzzles. The concept is discussed again here.

The Sledgehammer technique holds that every cell, row-value pair, column-value pair, and box-value pair can be interpreted as a set of cell-value statements such that exactly one statement in each set is true and all the others in the same set are false. Any cell-value statement known to be false can be safely removed from all the sets of which it is a member, since the true statement in each such set is still present.

Solving with the Sledgehammer technique means we identify some source Rules and some recipient Rules that are interconnected so that no matter what the true solution-state is among the source Rules, all those cell-value statements in the recipients but not in any of the sources must be false.

Implementing the puzzle as a collection of sets of cell-value statements (Claims) is simple, but in order to efficiently remove a statement that has been determined false from all four sets of which it is a member, each statement needs to have references to those four sets; otherwise, we have to brute-force our way through all the sets to find this statement.

The transition from being a collection of sets of statements to being a bipartite graph of rules and statements (Claims) comes about because we need to be able to tell how Rules are connected in order to ascertain the validity of a possible Sledgehammer scenario designed by brute force. With the sets-of-statements model, it's trivial to determine if two Rules are connected (they intersect), but any more complex connection relationship is difficult to describe or verbose. Of particular importance is the fact that the source Rules of a Sledgehammer solution scenario must all be disjoint from one another yet they all must be connected together via the recipient Rules.

If the source Rules and recipient Rules are not interconnected appropriately, then either the Sledgehammer scenario is invalid or the Sledgehammer scenario is the union of multiple valid Sledgehammer scenarios each of which has a smaller overall size than that of this Sledgehammer scenario, in which case they must already have been found and resolved, having all non-source recipient Claims falsified. There is no way that a Sledgehammer scenario with multiple connected components can be worthwhile to analyse.

In order to prove that a possible Sledgehammer scenario is valid, Rules must be treated as nodes in a graph and the nodes' connections with the other nodes in the Sledgehammer scenario must be analysed. Finding Sledgehammer scenarios is mostly brute force; so, regenerating (or managing a cache of) "node" wrappers around these Rule sets is either inefficient or clunky, respectively. Enabling the Rules to be their own nodes from the start dodges both of these issues.

In assessing the validity of a Sledgehammer scenario, only Rules need to be nodes in the puzzle graph: Sources connect to recipients and non-participants; recipients connect to sources and non-participants. However, when it comes time to remove some of those edges because a Claim is known false, things are awkward. Falsifying a Claim means removing it from all the sets that contain it, and that means removing the fact that those sets connect to each other (through that Claim). Given four Rules such that the members of any pair of them share only a single Claim, falsifying that Claim means removing six edges linking pairs of those Rules, turning a completely connected subgraph into a completely disjoint subgraph. Alternatively, given four Rules that all share a certain Claim in common, falsifying that Claim will mean removing some but not necessarily all of the six edges connecting those Rules. If there were any other Claims shared by the box Rule and the row Rule or the column Rule, then the box Rule and the other non-cell Rule(s) remain connected although the cell Rule disconnects from the other three and the row or column Rule that was connected to the box Rule by only one Claim (if there is such a row or column Rule) disconnects from the box and column/row Rule.

Rather than removing edges according to a complex set of requirements and testing to find out whether two ostensibly disconnectable Rules really should be disconnected, we can treat those totally connected subgraphs around a Claim that sometimes need to be partially or fully disassembled as a collection of nodes that are all connected to another node in the middle. That node is that Claim, and removing it from the graph (and removing all connections it has) removes the removeable connections between any two Rules that need to be disconnected when that Claim is falsified but leaves intact any connections that need to be preserved because those connected Rules are still connected through some other Claim(s).