fjcaetano / mint-action

Github Action to install Swift packages using Mint
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Github Action: mint CI Badge macos | ubuntu

Installs a Swift package using the Mint package manager.



The Swift package to be installed. The package can be a shorthand for a github repo "githubName/repo", or a fully qualified .git path. An optional version can be specified by appending @version to the repo, otherwise the newest tag will be used (or master if no tags are found.)


The version of Mint to be installed. Unused if Mint is already installed


Add the step to your workflow:

- name: Install fjcaetano/mint-action-test-package
  uses: fjcaetano/mint-action
    package: fjcaetano/mint-action-test-package

You can refer to .github/workflows/main.yml as an example configuration. Feel free to check the latest builds too.