fkleedorfer / aic2014

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Lab assignment of Advanced Internet Computing VU 2014

Technical University of Vienna

Group 6, Topic 3: Onion Routing


1.1 Requirements

1.2 Build

The following command builds the code

cd code/onion
mvn install

2.1 general note on configuration

All programs read configuration files from a configuration folder that must be specified as the environment variable ONION_CONF_DIR. To pass it to a Java program, use the VM argument -DONION_CONF_DIR=[the-folder-where-you-copied_code/onion/conf]

Logging: the logging framework in use is slf4j, using the logback implementation. It is configured through the logback.xml file in the conf folder. However, that file must be specified as an environment variable 'logging.config' for it to be found by the logging system.

2.2 Running locally during development

2.2.1 Configuration

Start by copying code/onion/conf to code/onion/conf.local During development, only make changes you need locally in the conf.local folder.

2.2.2 Running from the command line

Java needs the Classpath to be specified on the command line, which is a bit of a pain. Maven helps us here.

Running the quote server:

cd code/onion/onion-quoteserver
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.github.aic2014.onion.quoteserver.QuoteServerApp" -DONION_CONF_DIR=../conf.local -Dlogging.config=../conf.local/logback.xml

Point your browser to http://localhost:20140 to see if it works.

Running the directory node:

cd code/onion/onion-directorynode
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.github.aic2014.onion.directorynode.DirectoryNodeApp"
-DONION_CONF_DIR=../conf.local -Dlogging.config=../conf.local/logback.xml

Point your browser to http://localhost:20141 to see if it works.

Running the chain node:

cd code/onion/onion-chainnode
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.github.aic2014.onion.chainnode.ChainNodeApp"
-DONION_CONF_DIR=../conf.local -Dlogging.config=../conf.local/logback.xml

The port the chain node uses is chosen at random. It is output as one of the last log messages. Point your browser to http://localhost:[port] to see if it works. Also, the during startup, the chain node registers with the directory node. Reload the index page of the directory node to see if it worked.

Running the client:

cd code/onion/onion-client
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.github.aic2014.onion.client.OnionClientApp"
-DONION_CONF_DIR=../conf.local -Dlogging.config=../conf.local/logback.xml

The client will present a list of commands you can enter. Or you can point your browser to http://localhost:20143 and click the nice buttons.

2.2.3 Running inside IntelliJ

In IntelliJ, a "Run Configuration" encapsulates all the parameters and configuration for running code. In a nutshell, you have to create a Run Configuration for each class you want to run and specify the -DONION_CONF_DIR=conf.local VM argument.

That can quite easily be done by right-clicking the class name in the project view (or into the code) and choosing 'Run'. Watch it fail once (because the configuration folder is not found), then add the VM argument to the automatically generated run configuration for the class. Run again.

The classes to run are:

If you want to run an application directly (without Spring), you need to add an additional VM argument to your Run Configuration: -Dlogback.configurationFile=../conf.local/logback.xml


The following section will provide a step-by-step guide on how to build, deploy, and start the onion service and all its components. The guides can be applied to each component individually.

3.1 Preparation

Make sure you have access to the following:

3.2 Build

In order to build the all necessary binaries (JAR files), follow these instructions:

3.3 Configuration - localhost

If you want to execute all onion components (directory node, chain nodes, quote server, client) within your local environment, use the following configuration setup.

quoteserver.hostnamePort=localhost:20140 quoteserver.baseUri=http://${quoteserver.hostnamePort}


**3.4 Configuration - AWS**

If you want to execute all onion components (except client) within the AWS EC2 environment, use the following configuration setup:
* Create an empty folder "conf.local"
* Copy all default property files from the repository `code/onion/conf/`
* Adapt the following values of ``:

server.port=20141 aws.enableautosetup=true aws.terminateExisting=true

aws.accesskeyid=### use given credentials ### aws.secretaccesskey=### use given credentials ### aws.region=us-west-1

ID of G6-T3-template-ami

aws.chainnode.defaultami=ami-0ad4cd4f aws.chainnode.type=t2.micro aws.chainnode.prefix=G6-T3-chainnode- aws.chainnode.keyname=G6-T3-id

ID of G6-T3-default-security-group

aws.chainnode.securitygroup=sg-6dbb6c08 aws.chainnode.subnet=subnet-7aa0631f aws.chainnode.quantity=6 aws.chainnode.minQuantity=3

aws.chainnode.deploymentCommand=sh /home/onion/directorynode/deployment/ %s aws.chainnode.port=20142 aws.chainnode.deploymentConfPath=/home/onion/directorynode/deployment/chainnode/conf.local/

* Adapt the following values of ``:

keep the directory node's hostname "localhost". This will be replaced on startup

directorynode.hostname=http://localhost directorynode.baseUri=${directorynode.hostname}:20141 server.port=20142

* Adapt the following values of ``:

server.port=20140 quotesFilename=quotes.txt

* Adapt the following values of ``:

you may need to adapt the IP addresses, depending on the public IP of the instances

directorynode.hostname= directorynode.baseUri=${directorynode.hostname}:20141

quoteserver.hostnamePort= quoteserver.baseUri=http://${quoteserver.hostnamePort}


* Adapt the following values of `logback.xml`:

Next to the configuration folder containing all property files, an additional deployment folder is necessary.
* Create a new folder `deployment`
* Copy the file `code/onion/deployment/` into this folder
* Adapt the following shell variables: 

IDFILE='/home/onion/directorynode/deployment/G6-T3-id_rsa.pem' SOURCEDIR='deployment/chainnode/*'

* Copy key file `G6-T3-id_rsa.pem` into the folder `deployment`
* Create a subfolder called `chainnode` and `chainnode/conf.local`
* Copy `onion-chainnode-1.0-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar` into `chainnode`
* Copy `conf.local/logback.xml` into `deployment/chainnode/conf.local/`
* Copy `conf.local/` into `deployment/chainnode/conf.local/`

**3.5 Deployment - AWS**

Before the onion system can be executed within the AWS EC2 infrastructure, it has to be deployed first. For any remote connectivity (e.g. via PuTTY or WinSCP), use the correct IP address (if in doubt check the AWS web console) and connect with the user `onion` and the given key file `G6-T3-id_rsa.pem`.

We use the "US West (N. California)" region for our EC2 instances, and prepared the following two instances, both based on the "G6-T3-template-ami" AMI (AMI ID `ami-0ad4cd4f`).
* G6-T3-quoteserver (Instance ID `i-9b4b2358`)
* G6-T3-directorynode (Instance ID `i-8c40284f`)

* Deployment of the **Quote Server**:
  * Connect to the quote server (user `onion`)
  * Create a folder `~/quoteserver`
  * Create a subfolder `~/quoteserver/conf.local`
  * Copy `onion-quoteserver-1.0-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar` (see Build) to `~/quoteserver`
  * Copy the `logback.xml` and `` to `~/quoteserver/conf.local/`

* Deployment of the **Directory Server**:
  * Connect to the directory server (user `onion`)
  * Create a folder `~/directorynode`
  * Create the subfolders `~/directorynode/conf.local` and `~/directorynode/deployment`
  * Copy `onion-directorynode-1.0-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar` (see Build) to `~/directorynode`
  * Copy the `logback.xml` and `` to `~/directorynode/conf.local/` (see Configuration - AWS)
  * Copy the content of the folder `deployment` (see Configuration - AWS) to `~/directorynode/deployment`
  * Run command `chmod 600 ~/directorynode/deployment/*.pem`

**3.6 Startup - localhost**

(See 2.2.1 Running from the command line or 2.2.3 Running inside IntelliJ)

**3.7 Startup - AWS**

Perform the following tasks to start the directory server:
* Connect to directory server (via SSH / user `ec2-user`)
* Run the following command to start the directory server:

sudo service directory restart

Perform the following tasks to start the quote server: 
* Connect to quote server (via SSH / user `ec2-user`)
* Run the following command to start the quote server:

sudo service quote restart

Perform the following tasks to start the client (locally):
* (Either) Run client from within IntelliJ (see 2.2.3).
* (Or) Switch to the directory `code/onion/onion-client/target`
* Run the following command to start the client:

java -DONION_CONF_DIR=../../conf.local -Dlogging=../../conf.local/logback.xml -jar onion-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-allinone.jar

**3.8 Use Cases/Testing - localhost**


**3.9 Use Cases/Testing - AWS**

**Check if remote services are ready:** After starting the directory node and quote server, it may take up to 1 minute until everything works fine. Check: 
* Shows the directory server page with a list of all registered chain nodes. 
* Click on one of the chain nodes. Shows a list of messages routed by this particular chain node (initially empty).
* Shows the quote server page with a button to request random quotes.

**Send a message:**
* (Either) Run to the client and enter the command `!send`
* (Or) Run the client, open http://localhost:20143/ and click the `Send Request` button