fl0ppy-d1sk / bunkerized-phpmyadmin

phpMyAdmin Docker image focused on security.
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docker phpmyadmin security


phpMyAdmin Docker image focused on security.

It's based based on bunkerized-nginx that adds many security features : automatic Let's Encrypt, ModSecurity, fail2ban, PHP hardening, HTTP headers ...

On top of that, bunkerized-phpmyadmin adds the following features :

Table of contents

Live demo

You can find a live demo at https://demo-pma.bunkerity.com/demo-pma. Use the following credentials : demo / bunkerizedPMA42!

Quickstart guide

Basic usage

docker run -p 80:80 -e SERVERS_1_host='mysql.server.com' bunkerity/bunkerized-phpmyadmin

It will listen on standard HTTP port and will handle connections to the server accessible from mysql.server.com (you can also use an IP address).

HTTPS support

docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /where/to/save/letsencrypt/certs:/etc/letsencrypt -e AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT=yes -e SERVER_NAME=phpmyadmin.mydomain.net -e REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS=yes -e SERVERS_1_host='mysql.server1.com' -e SERVERS_2_host='mysql.server2.com' bunkerity/bunkerized-phpmyadmin

It will listen both standard HTTP and HTTPS ports and will handle connections to the servers accessible from mysql.server1.com and mysql.server2.com.

The following environment variables are inherited from bunkerized-nginx :

More security

docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /where/to/save/letsencrypt/certs:/etc/letsencrypt -e AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT=yes -e SERVER_NAME=phpmyadmin.mydomain.net -e REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS=yes -e PMA_DIRECTORY=my-secret-directory CAPTCHA_LOGIN_PUBLIC_KEY=public-key-recaptcha-v3 CAPTCHA_LOGIN_PRIVATE_KEY=private-key-recaptcha-v3 -e SERVERS_1_host='mysql.server.com' bunkerity/bunkerized-phpmyadmin


You can learn more about bunkerized-phpmyadmin in our blog.

Environment variables

Inherited from bunkerized-nginx

All environment variables from bunkerized-nginx can be used. Feel free to do so.


The following format is used to configure remote servers : SERVERSindexconfig=value. Here is an example :

docker run ... -e SERVERS_1_host='mysql.server1.com' -e SERVERS_2_host='mysql.server2.com' -e SERVERS_2_port=1337 -e SERVERS_3_host='mysql.server3.com' -e SERVERS_3_AllowRoot=false ... bunkerity/bunkerized-phpmyadmin

This example will be translated to this PHP code inside the config.inc.php file :

$cfg['Servers'][1]['host'] = 'mysql.server1.com';
$cfg['Servers'][2]['host'] = 'mysql.server2.com';
$cfg['Servers'][2]['port'] = 'mysql.server2.com';
$cfg['Servers'][3]['host'] = 'mysql.server3.com';
$cfg['Servers'][3]['AllowRoot'] = 'mysql.server3.com';

Every server connection settings listed in the documentation can be used (see https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/config.html#server-connection-settings).

All servers config

These settings will be applied to all of the servers defined by the SERVER_\* variables.

PMA setting : $cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db']
Values : \<regex used to hide db>
Default value : ^(information_schema|performance_schema)$
A regex used to hide some database from the list.


Values : \<any valid directory name>
Default value :
Use this variable to put phpMyAdmin inside a subdirectory (it will be accessible from http(s)://your.server.com/subdirectory). Can be usefull if your instance is accessible from Internet to avoid automatic scripts discovering your service.

Values : yes | no
Default value : yes
If set to yes, clients won't be able to access files inside the following directories : libraries, locale, templates and vendor.

Values : yes | no
Default value : yes
ModSecurity with OWASP Core Rule Set are enabled by default (inherited from bunkerity/bunkerized-nginx). If set to yes, will add some exclusions to CRS rules to avoid some false positives rules.

PMA setting : $cfg['CaptchaLoginPublicKey']
Values : \<the reCAPTCHA v3 public key>
Default value :
Set your public key if you want to enable reCAPTCHA v3 protection on the login page.

PMA setting : $cfg['CaptchaLoginPublicKey']
Values : \<the reCAPTCHA v3 private key>
Default value :
Set your private key if you want to enable reCAPTCHA v3 protection on the login page.

Values : yes | no
Default value : yes
If set to yes, fail2ban will be configured to block bruteforce attacks on PMA login. If PMA_FAIL2BAN_MAXRETRY failed login happened within PMA_FAIL2BAN_FINDTIME seconds then the corresponding IP address is banned during PMA_FAIL2BAN_BANTIME.

Values : \<any positive integer>
Default value : 5
The minimum number of failed login before banning the corresponding IP address.

Values : \<any positive integer>
Default value : 600
The time period (in seconds) to search for failed login attempts.

Values : \<any positive integer>
Default value : 36
The duration of the ban (in seconds) when bruteforce attack has been detected.

PMA setting : $cfg['Confirm']
Values : true | false
Default value : true
If set to true, users will be asked to confirm before deleting data.

PMA setting : $cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to false, users are not allowed to drop their databases within phpMyAdmin.

Information leak and privacy

Values : yes / no
Default value : yes
If set to yes, the version of phpMyAdmin will be set to 0.0.0. This is a 'hack' to prevent showing the real version to users (more info here). It hasn't been hardly tested yet to see if that breaks some features, feel free to open an issue on GitHub if that happens.

Values : \<list of files and directories to remove from phpMyAdmin separated with space>
Default value : setup *.md ChangeLog DCO LICENSE README RELEASE-DATE-* composer.json composer.lock config.sample.inc.php doc examples package.json setup yarn.lock
List of files and directories to remove inside the phpMyAdmin folder.

PMA setting : $cfg['SendErrorReports']
Values : ask | always | never
Default value : never
The default policy for sending error reports to the phpMyAdmin team.

PMA setting : $cfg['VersionCheck']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, will tells users if there is an update of phpMyAdmin.

PMA setting : $cfg['ShowStats']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, will show space usage and stats to the users.

PMA setting : $cfg['ShowServerInfo']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, will show some information about the server to the users.

PMA setting : $cfg['ShowPhpInfo']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, will show a phpinfo() to the users.

PMA setting : $cfg['ShowGitRevision']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, will show the GIT revision to the users.

PMA setting : $cfg['UserprefsDisallow']
Values : \<list of strings separated with ','>
Default value : 'VersionCheck', 'SendErrorReports', 'hide_db'
List of settings that users can't override through the "settings" tab.

Arbitrary servers

PMA setting : $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, users can login to the servers of their choice. Use ARBITRARY_SERVER_REGEXP to restrict the authorized servers.

PMA setting : $cfg['ArbitraryServerRegexp']
Values : \<any valid regexp>
Default value :
When ALLOW_ARBITRARY_SERVER is set to true, you can restrict the servers that users can access.


PMA setting : $cfg['blowfish_secret']
Values : \<32 characters> | random
Default value : random
The secret used to encrypt cookies, you can choose 32 chars or keep the default value random that will do it for you.

PMA setting : $cfg['LoginCookieRecall']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, the previous login will appear on the connexion page.

PMA setting : $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] Values : \<any positive integer>
Default value : 3600
The number of seconds that a cookie is valid.

PMA setting : $cfg['LoginCookieStore']
Values : 0 | \<any positive integer>
Default value : 0 The number of seconds to keep the cookie inside the browser. 0 means the cookie will only be kept for the current session.

PMA setting : $cfg['LoginCookieDeleteAll']
Values : true | false
Default value : true
Is set to true, logout from one server will also delete the cookies for the other servers.

Configuration storage

PMA setting : $cfg['ZeroConf']
Values : true | false
Default value : false
If set to true, user will be able to create a configuration storage himself using an existing database.

PMA setting : $cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning']
Values : true | false
Default value : true
If set to true, warnings about configuration storage will not be printed.

Custom configuration file

You can your own custom configuration file called custom.config.inc.php inside the /pma-conf directory. The easiest way is to use a volume :

docker run ... -v /path/to/your/custom.config.inc.php:/pma-conf/custom.config.inc.php ... bunkerity/bunkerized-phpmyadmin