flagbit / shopware6-tailwind-theme

Shopware 6 Tailwindcss Theme
MIT License
57 stars 5 forks source link

Tailwindcss Theme for Shopware 6

:fire::fire::fire: This theme integrates tailwindcss and alpine.js into shopware 6. :fire::fire::fire:


This is a proof of concept. This is still in progress. :warning: Do not use in production.

:blue_heart: If you want to have a complete Tailwindcss theme, participate here and submit your changes via pull request. :sparkles:


Install required node_modules

yarn install (use node version >= 15.8.0)

Build process

Build the app.css and app.js

yarn build:dev (includes all tailwind styles)
yarn build:prod (includes only used tailwind styles, purgedCSS Version)

Copy Tailwindcss Theme into Shopware 6 Development Folder

All files from Tailwindcss theme into custom/plugins/Tailwind folder in shopware 6 directory

Build Shopware 6 Storefront

./psh.phar storefront:build (e.g. use this command in your docker container)

Components List