flamescripts / Flame_Broadcast_Toggler

A simple utility to retrieve project information, select broadcast options (NDI, AJA, BMD, CoreAudio, NONE), and automatically apply settings to Video, Audio, and Preview Devices in Flame Setup. Adjusts Broadcast Preferences accordingly while keeping other settings unchanged.
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The Flame Broadcast Toggler

A simple utility that retrieves the name and application version of the most recently loaded Flame project, along with configuration files and allows Flame artists to select their broadcast options; NDI, AJA, BMD, NONE or CoreAudio, and have those selections automatically applied to the Video Device, Audio Device, and Preview Devices in Flame Setup. Additionally, the script adjusts the Flame Broadcast Preferences to align with the Device selection. All other preferences should remain unchanged.

By implementing automation for these configurations, the script streamlines the procedure of modifying and tailoring Flame broadcast settings while transitioning between different locations or workflows. User input can be bypassed to aid in automation by implementing options like macOS networksetup.

The script creates timestamped backups of the 'init.cfg' and 'broadcastCurrent.pref' files, enabling the option to revert to previous versions in case of any script-related problems. The amount of backup iterations can be modified by editing 'max_backup_files'. The default value is 5.

Note: The available modes may require adjustments to accommodate specific hardware devices such as 'AJA_IO4K_PLUS', splitting the Audio and Video device output, or using Pulse. Email me if you have a need for these to be added.

2025: This script will need to be updated to work with 2025+.


This is not an official Autodesk certified script. Neither the author nor Autodesk are responsible for any use, misuse, unintended results, or data loss that may occur from using this script. This script has not been thoroughly tested and is a work in progress. It was created on personal time to address a specific customer request and may not be applicable to your workflow.

Use at your own risk. This script is intended for providing guidance only. There is no support provided. Caution is strongly advised as this has not been thoroughly tested.

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