flamewing / asl-releases

Improved/bugfixed version of Alfred Arnold's The Macro Assembler AS
GNU General Public License v2.0
20 stars 2 forks source link


License: GPL v2

CodeFactor Grade CodeQL

CI Emscripten CI FreeBSD CI Mac OS X CI OmniOS CI Ubuntu CI Windows MinGW CI Windows MSVC

Coverity Scan Analysis Coverity Scan

Snapshot build Snapshot build


Custom version of AS, intended to track the original source and fix some issues.

Create and install the package

You need a C development toolchain, and cmake at least 3.19. You also need Git. When everything is setup, run the following commands:

cmake -S . -B build -G <generator>
cmake --build build -j

Here, <generator> stands for any backend for cmake to use. I personally use Ninja, but you can also use any others, like Unix Makefiles, or MSYS Makefiles. Check cmake help for generators available in your platform.

To install the program, run

cmake --install build

Where the later will probably require administrative privileges.

To run tests, build as above then run:

ctest --build-run-dir build --test-dir build -j

This build procedure has been tested on the following environments:

I would like to know if it works on other circumstances, particularly when cross-compiling.


To cross-compile, you need to have an appropriate toolchain file for your target, in addition to the actual toolchain. You start by doing a (potentially partial) host build:

cmake -S . -B build-host -G <host-generator>
cmake --build build-host -j --target rescomp

Then you do the cross-compile build itself:

cmake -S . -B build-target -G <target-generator> \
        -DIMPORT_EXECUTABLES=build-host/ImportExecutables.cmake \
cmake --build build-target -j

If the toolchain file defines an appropriate emulator, you can even run the tests:

ctest --build-run-dir build-target --test-dir build-target -j

Worked cross-compile example: WASM target, Linux host

Here is a full example of how to cross-compile to WASM/Emscripten. This is based on this. Start by getting the latest SDK:

cd ~
mkdir emsdk
cd emsdk
git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git .
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
source ./emsdk_env.sh   # Change this to match your shell

Then on the asl-releases directory:

cd ~
mkdir asl
cd asl
git clone https://github.com/flamewing/asl-releases.git .
cmake -S . -B build-host -G <host-generator>
cmake --build build-host -j --target rescomp
emcmake cmake -S . -B build-wasm \
cmake --build build-wasm -j
cmake --build build-wasm -j --target test

Building the documentation

The documentation is built by default if you have Pandoc installed and available through the PATH environment variable; otherwise, it is skipped.

"Building", in this case, means turning a loose bunch of Markdown files into a self-contained html file, which will be installed to the docs directory when running cmake --install build.

Pandoc can be installed in a few OSes as follows (adapted from this):

Preparing your disassembly

This is only relevant for Sonic disassemblies based on older versions of the Sonic Retro community disassemblies.

More recent versions of AS have made a few changes that impact older disassemblies. Here are the changes and how to deal with them: