flanqi / notes

technical notes & some small programs
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This is a personal repository for notes. It consists of coding that is commonly used in data science, ranging from data manipulation, visualization to machine learning algorithms. It serves as a dictionary that facillitates personal lookups in Python, R and SQL.

Directory Structure

├── README.md                         <- You are here
├── ml_python.md                      <- ML Notes in Python
├── r_python.md                       <- ML Notes in R
├── r_programs/                       <- Handy functions in R
│   ├── imputation.R/                 <- imputation functions

How to use the notes

The markdown notes usually start with a Table of Contents section, broken down by categories like data manipulation, types of ML algorithms, etc.

At each subsection, sometimes there will be a button on the right ↥ back to top that helps you get back to the top of the page to possibly switch a different section using the table of contents section.

For each subsection, if the same topic exists in notes of another language, you will also see ⇄ language button to help you switch to the corresponding section in the notes of the specified language.