flashcarts / AOS

AOS 2.13 + Homebrew Emulators Package by Flashcarts.net Contributors
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AOS - Ace OS repackaged for Ace3DS+/Gateway/R4iLS


AOS is a multi-loader for Ace3DS+ and related carts.

This repository aims to re-pack the official AOS software by ace3ds.com with new and updated homebrew apps; it is in no way affiliated with ace3ds.com.

Currently supported flashcarts

The following carts can be either an Ace3DS+ or an R4iLS:

If you have one of these carts, you will need to grab an empty SD card, insert it into the cart, and boot the cart on your DS.

Currently bundled applications


  1. Identify your cartridge and choose the correct package version based on the supported carts list above.
  2. Download the appropriate .zip file for your cart from the releases page.
  3. Extract and copy the contents of the zip file to your flashcart's SD card root.
  4. A lot of the emulators included in this package require a BIOS file, or can use one to improve compatibility. You can obtain the BIOS files for each emulator and place them in the appropriate locations, like so (expected file name is in parentheses):

Notes on Emulators in This Package

Packaging steps

  1. You must be on Linux
    • WSL2 works. MSYS2 (provided by devkitPro) probably also works, but no guarantee is provided
  2. Set up devkitPro's NDS environment
  3. Run ./build.sh
  4. Individual kernel files will appear in out folder
